1 - I can't find myself and neither can other when they search for me (Epson). I can still watch replays from local and if i search other players that were playing alongside me the replay works fine. (- might be caused by me changing my name 3-4 months ago?)
2 - Sometimes names don't appear in the replay vault when it displays teams (win or lose) and when this happens I am unable to watch the replay. I either get an error message or just go to the FA main menu.
For example if it's a 2v2 it will only show three names, as if it's a 2v1.
I have Gaz_UI and hotbuild installed but the problems existed before then and when I uninstall them.
I'm not running the steam version.
I have re-installed the client a couple of times and it's still there. (and that wouldn't explain 1)Statistics: Posted by Epson — 20 Jun 2013, 18:33