**FAF Username:** FireMessiah
**FAF Version:** 0.8.48
**FAF Directory:** C:\ProgramData\FAForever
**FA Path:** C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance
**Home Directory:** C:\Users\Sean Riley\Documents
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "galacticWar\_gwlobby.pyc", line 518, in readFromServer
File "galacticWar\_gwlobby.pyc", line 483, in process
File "galacticWar\_gwlobby.pyc", line 490, in dispatchJSON
File "json\__init__.pyc", line 326, in loads
File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
at first I thought it was at the end of each my ladder games, but it popped up twice when I was looking at the "whats new page" too.
also, im not actually part of the GW alpha.
i did attempt to login to GW earlier, usual "you are not part of...", pressed cancel, after it performed an update for GW... i wonder if thats related.
it doesn't usually cause this however.
also, the 2 ladder match replays were not in the vault, as a result of this.Statistics: Posted by FireMessiah — 07 Jun 2013, 21:42