Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2013-07-24T15:53:38+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=3903 2013-07-24T13:58:10+02:00 2013-07-24T13:58:10+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3903&p=49065#p49065 <![CDATA[Re: Revolution Trophy]]> Some went away for 2 or 3 to 4 weeks so then its hard to keep the games up.Would have been best to start this around the fall time when everyone just started school or work again.

Statistics: Posted by SiN — 24 Jul 2013, 13:58

2013-07-22T14:37:18+02:00 2013-07-22T14:37:18+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3903&p=48963#p48963 <![CDATA[Re: Revolution Trophy]]> its been tough with so many people having no dedication to this tourney, missed games cause a lot of trouble for TD's
washy had to make some tough calls just to keep the tourney running, and did so alone after farty dropped out.
huge respect for trying fella and sticking with it for so long!

it was great while it lasted, ive enjoyed playing and watching some epic replays.
lets hope we all learn from the mistakes, and create a better Revo tourney version 2 next time.

Statistics: Posted by FireMessiah — 22 Jul 2013, 14:37

2013-07-22T12:33:44+02:00 2013-07-22T12:33:44+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3903&p=48953#p48953 <![CDATA[Re: Revolution Trophy]]>
I am sure it was not easy to manage all that.


Statistics: Posted by Cheva — 22 Jul 2013, 12:33

2013-07-24T15:53:38+02:00 2013-07-21T23:18:45+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3903&p=48923#p48923 <![CDATA[Re: Revolution Trophy]]> i'm officially ending this tourney now

reasons? multiple, to name the strongest ones:
> not having a single round in which all needed games were played
> having to extend rounds far too often due to several things
> motivation breakdown due alot longer rounds (and a whole tourney up to this point) than expected

i know there are various reasons why games weren't played (or couldn't have been played), i'm not mad at anyone who tried to play but i'm also unsure how to fix this issue.
personally there were two sides for me in this tourney. i had alot fun trying to make a concept how the system could work, and trying it out in a real situation (even though it's far from perfect), i saw nice matches and maybe was able to install a completely new tourney idea in people's minds.
however, on the bad side i was left alone with all this and had to make many critical decisions alone even when i was unsure what the perfect solution might be in many cases. having to deal with many problems alone (such as that some teams never show up, what to do if games aren't played, and so on) has kinda worn me out, and i don't think i want to continue it

i know that you might say it's almost finished and so on, it's maybe 60% finished but 3 more rounds are missing (and few BO3s in this round), and i listed some of the tourney-related reasons up above
is this tourney a lost cause? tbh i don't know, it might be that it's possible to finish it without any more trouble, but i lost alot of my optimism for a flawless tourney or a flawless system somewhere in the poolstage. i'm also unable to say at this point whether there will be another tourney such as this with me as TD, at least i'm not going to do it alone again.

if you have any feedback on the tourney, don't hesitate to post it here:

will there be a reward for the "winners"? i fear there is none
lesson to be learned from this tourney? hard to judge yet, check out the feedback thread and see what people think

for the glory, here the list of the teams which have survived:

Chosen's happy elves, Asterix et Obelix, A Team, Hard Spammers, Unknown, Delirium - Beer it on!, Real Time Tragedy, Cow Tipping Dwarfs, TEAM FUNK UNITED TWO
also a huge thanks for everyone who joined and tried his best to play

Statistics: Posted by Myxir — 21 Jul 2013, 23:18

2013-07-21T22:01:06+02:00 2013-07-21T22:01:06+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3903&p=48916#p48916 <![CDATA[Re: Revolution Trophy]]>
But I understand that I already called a forfeit. So I'll just leave this up to the Tournament Directors and hope they have mercy on our souls. xD

Statistics: Posted by Astrofoo — 21 Jul 2013, 22:01

2013-07-21T21:33:54+02:00 2013-07-21T21:33:54+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3903&p=48915#p48915 <![CDATA[Re: Revolution Trophy]]> ... 3i2jfu.jpg

Team Real Time Tragedy gave up.

I wish we had played the games. :/
We played one game on zorg rampage.

Joly won the 2vs1.

My new FAFname is now:

lol. the other team only forfeited because only Astrofoo was online. So my team thought we won and isnt here on Teamspeak anymore.
Now the enemy team is here but mine isnt....

Can we extend the time again?^^
Or what should we do now?

Statistics: Posted by Battle — 21 Jul 2013, 21:33

2013-07-21T21:18:34+02:00 2013-07-21T21:18:34+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3903&p=48914#p48914 <![CDATA[Re: Revolution Trophy]]>
Myxir wrote:
i checked your replacement candidate, he's just played 15 games and thus can't join a team

Ahh forgot about that rule. Oh well. Was a fun tourney!

Statistics: Posted by Astrofoo — 21 Jul 2013, 21:18

2013-07-21T10:54:35+02:00 2013-07-21T10:54:35+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3903&p=48890#p48890 <![CDATA[Re: Revolution Trophy]]> Statistics: Posted by Myxir — 21 Jul 2013, 10:54

2013-07-20T20:36:42+02:00 2013-07-20T20:36:42+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3903&p=48866#p48866 <![CDATA[Re: Revolution Trophy]]>
We also plan to play our games against team: Delirium - Beer it on! this sunday.(tomorrow)

Statistics: Posted by Astrofoo — 20 Jul 2013, 20:36

2013-07-17T13:42:15+02:00 2013-07-17T13:42:15+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3903&p=48681#p48681 <![CDATA[Re: Revolution Trophy]]>
Voodoo wrote:
The problem is that we have summer now. Many people are on vacations now or don't want to sit before theire pc when the sun is shinning.

I also never thought that the tourney needs so much time. We are in ~ week 7 now and we have a minimum of 3 more weeks ...

i never thought it might take so long aswell, time is the main problem :/
if i had known this in the beginning, i would have added a warning to the signup part

Statistics: Posted by Myxir — 17 Jul 2013, 13:42

2013-07-17T12:37:14+02:00 2013-07-17T12:37:14+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3903&p=48673#p48673 <![CDATA[Re: Revolution Trophy]]>
I also never thought that the tourney needs so much time. We are in ~ week 7 now and we have a minimum of 3 more weeks ...

Statistics: Posted by Voodoo — 17 Jul 2013, 12:37

2013-07-17T09:50:07+02:00 2013-07-17T09:50:07+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3903&p=48662#p48662 <![CDATA[Re: Revolution Trophy]]>

Constructive suggestion
I think in a new tournament the first phase should not be a pool phase but a ladder phase.
- For a win you get +3 points, a loss gets you +2 points, you may play up to 4 opponents per week each time getting points.
- Only the first 4 games of every week count.
- Over the entire ladder phase you may not play more than once against the same opponent
- Then the top 16? teams of the ladder go to the KO phase.

During the ladder phase teams are themselves responsible for choosing opponents.

This way, the first phase of the tournament selects mostly for activity, so you get an active KO stage. The rating system used for this tournament should also be used offcourse.

Statistics: Posted by Valki — 17 Jul 2013, 09:50

2013-07-17T01:11:30+02:00 2013-07-17T01:11:30+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3903&p=48622#p48622 <![CDATA[Re: Revolution Trophy]]> Statistics: Posted by Astrofoo — 17 Jul 2013, 01:11

2013-07-17T01:11:32+02:00 2013-07-17T01:08:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3903&p=48621#p48621 <![CDATA[Re: Revolution Trophy]]> This is the story of trying to play Yann and his Asterix et Obelix team....

Statistics: Posted by ColonelSheppard — 17 Jul 2013, 01:08

2013-07-15T21:21:42+02:00 2013-07-15T21:21:42+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3903&p=48482#p48482 <![CDATA[Re: Revolution Trophy]]>
Myxir wrote:
i got to admit, today i've been at a point when i seriously considered ending this tourney because there haven't been any tiebreaker games played, i did not have the hope for many KO-tree games and don't want a slow death for a tournament

however, the good news (i hope that you take it that way)
at least having 2 BO3s for the tree, and another team which wanted to play today (i hope i haven't scared them in the pm), i decided to give this round one more week

Voodoo wrote:
Myxir wrote: i decided to give this round one more week

I would have trained more if you had posted this earlier.

*looks down*

maybe better that you played x:

Statistics: Posted by Myxir — 15 Jul 2013, 21:21
