Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2013-05-12T22:15:37+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=3865 2013-05-12T22:15:37+02:00 2013-05-12T22:15:37+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3865&p=41660#p41660 <![CDATA[Re: FA Freezes.]]> Statistics: Posted by DukeOfEarl — 12 May 2013, 22:15

2013-05-12T20:31:31+02:00 2013-05-12T20:31:31+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3865&p=41645#p41645 <![CDATA[Re: FA Freezes.]]>
My system data -

AMD Athlon II X4 640 CPU, 3.00GHz
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Sapphire Radeon 5770 1024MB VRAM

Statistics: Posted by DukeOfEarl — 12 May 2013, 20:31

2013-05-10T21:40:17+02:00 2013-05-10T21:40:17+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3865&p=41312#p41312 <![CDATA[Re: FA Freezes.]]>
I guess I'll try disabling my second monitor...

Statistics: Posted by DukeOfEarl — 10 May 2013, 21:40

2013-05-09T00:07:13+02:00 2013-05-09T00:07:13+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3865&p=41015#p41015 <![CDATA[Re: FA Freezes.]]> viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3815

Would be nice to share informations about GFX cards, driver versions, and eventually multiple screens.

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 09 May 2013, 00:07

2013-05-08T23:58:59+02:00 2013-05-08T23:58:59+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3865&p=41014#p41014 <![CDATA[FA Freezes.]]> I put it down to GPU overheating, but my GPU doesn't really get hot according to sensors.

I've attached the game log. Seems like it's DX9 breaking (Unless that error message is just from me alt-tabbing out of the game). Anybody know wtf this is?

Replay from the last time it happened is 897764, a ranked 4v4 on seton's (it's not on the vault yet according to

Statistics: Posted by DukeOfEarl — 08 May 2013, 23:58
