Forged Alliance ForeverForged Alliance Forever Forums2013-04-25T17:00:46+02:00/feed.php?f=26&t=37142013-04-25T17:00:46+02:002013-04-25T17:00:46+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=3714&p=39764#p39764 My router is a SpeedTouch Thomson ST 536v6
And I don't know what you mean for FAF settings... there aren't many settings available... I have UPnP enabled
]]>2013-04-24T09:59:02+02:002013-04-24T09:59:02+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=3714&p=39621#p39621Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 24 Apr 2013, 09:59
]]>2013-04-24T09:24:34+02:002013-04-24T09:24:34+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=3714&p=39616#p39616 Using Windows 7... but I'm sure that's not what you meant.
]]>2013-04-19T05:22:32+02:002013-04-19T05:22:32+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=3714&p=38958#p38958 Firstly I apologise if there is a common post that solves my issue, I have literally looked for the last hour on faf wiki and the forums to no avail.
So I can play most games of supcom, but whenever I finish it gives me the connection error and directs me to ... _solutions It also doesn't record my stats sometimes and I just have general issues connecting to people sometimes.
I have opened the ports in my router (I have a SpeedTouch Thomson st536v6 and yes I did check the speedtouch thread but that didn't help me either), I have enabled upnp, turned off my firewall, etc etc. Downloaded NAT trace and all the ports fail. I get the error: 'failed - exception caught' for every port.
When I'm directed to that link I posted above, it starts by saying 'in the lobby click 'Help - Show Logs'. I do not have that button anywhere. Not in the faf lobby or the actual game lobby.