Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2013-03-23T23:16:15+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=3384 2013-03-23T23:16:15+02:00 2013-03-23T23:16:15+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3384&p=35275#p35275 <![CDATA[Re: can't uninstall faf and not found tmpzqctiv.msi file]]> where the preinstalled antivirus was blocking .msi files
not even blocking as soon as any drive with an .msi file got plugged in it deleted the file :)
1 sec after the download it totaly removed the msi file from the pc totaly shit. took me a while to find out where the problem was.
i think it was called bullguard or so on better you just try to deinstall any antivirus you may have.

Statistics: Posted by Mr-Smith — 23 Mar 2013, 23:16

2013-03-23T17:17:58+02:00 2013-03-23T17:17:58+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3384&p=35218#p35218 <![CDATA[Re: can't uninstall faf and not found tmpzqctiv.msi file]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 23 Mar 2013, 17:17

2013-03-23T17:05:14+02:00 2013-03-23T17:05:14+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3384&p=35215#p35215 <![CDATA[Re: can't uninstall faf and not found tmpzqctiv.msi file]]> (since a faf update, on the comp im trying to make it work on, i cant update faf anymore so it wont load, so i tried to delete it but i kept getting error message "can't delete because can't find file source" and thats not solved but now im trying to reinstall it and it says it cant find a file)

Statistics: Posted by slibard — 23 Mar 2013, 17:05

2013-03-23T16:47:44+02:00 2013-03-23T16:47:44+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3384&p=35210#p35210 <![CDATA[Re: can't uninstall faf and not found tmpzqctiv.msi file]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 23 Mar 2013, 16:47

2013-03-23T16:42:18+02:00 2013-03-23T16:42:18+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=3384&p=35208#p35208 <![CDATA[can't uninstall faf and not found tmpzqctiv.msi file]]> I have a probleme when i want uninstall FaF i can't because he don't find a source file but he is delete (in theory). When i want reinstall faf he don't found the file tmpzqctiv.msi and i don't found too this file. Can you help me for fix this problem ? thank for your answers.

Statistics: Posted by slibard — 23 Mar 2013, 16:42
