I won't fix it manually (editing your rating),
- first because it would be a lot of work (computing the results myself),
- but also impossible : I have to alter every other game after that one, and the scores of all the games of the others players you encounter. And the scores of the players that these players played, it's exponential.
- also useless : Once placed, your rating won't change a lot, making a single victory or a loss completely irrelevant.
But if you have a debug method to avoid it in the future, then you can post it.
- Why the bug is occurring.
- Steps to reproduce it.
- And possibly, if you want to have it fix this year (or before 6 months), the code for fixing it (in FA or the client, both repositories are available to everybody).Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 14 Nov 2012, 00:27