18:00 GMT+3 (Moscow time). Tournament played live on my stream. So you need to be online and play during that time, games will be created and narrated by me live.
Global rating 1200 or less, 50 games played or more
Three teams, 2v2v2. If you have a teammate, signup as team ("Player1 + Player2"). If you don't have a teammate, signup solo, teammate will be assigned to you. Already assembled teams will be given a priority when deciding who gets to play.
Teammates' colors in-game must be similar, like blue and light blue, green and light green.
HardFFA enabled (players appear in the center in t2 transports).
Claustrophobia enabled - 10 minutes starting time, then shrinks every 30 seconds.
x2 resources enabled.
6 teams total (12 players are participating).
Two groups with 3 teams each. One team wins and goes forward. Two teams go to losing bracket.
So we have 2 teams of winners and 4 teams of losers.
Losers play 2v2v2v2 same rules. Winning team goes to finals.
2v2v2 (2 winners and losers' winning team)
Winning team gets a point.
We play until 4 points. When 4 points is reached, team is considered the winner of this tournament.
Maps: Asteroids, Point of Reach, Adaptive Sand Box, 8 - Badlands_v4, gap of rohan, Six Leaf Clover3, Wonder 5v5 v3, Madness -5- v3, Twin Rivers EP.
Winner gets Blitz champion avatar and this Humble Bundle - https://www.humblebundle.com/capcom-sega-atlus-bundle
2nd and 3rd places gets their appropriate avatars from this topic: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=3312
Signup here http://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/jHUokoUT0a
You need to check-in on challonge before the tournament (from 17:30 to 18:00 Moscow time, if you are not checked-in, then you are out).
Regarding disconnects: rehost game if a player disconnects or crashes for 1st time during first two minutes of the match. Crash or disconnect later than 2 minutes - player considered destroyed. 2nd crash or disconnect - no rehost.
GOOD LUKKStatistics: Posted by YuriIvanov — 20 Sep 2017, 14:06