Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2017-03-26T21:01:16+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=14269 2017-03-26T21:01:16+02:00 2017-03-26T21:01:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14269&p=145958#p145958 <![CDATA[Re: New Player League]]>
Cuddles wrote:
Anyone can enter WWPC, the lowest bracket is U1100. I was around 600 when i started playing there.

Skills are optional, balls required.

That's true, I'm playing in it for the second time this week. The problem is for new players, there are only a few people playing, the ones of which are the top end of the limit. So for me, it will probably be one game every 2 weeks until I get better.....

For me I've just started playing wwpc at 500 rated on later but that's taken me around 200 odd 1v1 games to get me there, what I'm getting at is its a lot of time and games to get to this point

What I have in mind is people helping each other to that point. Saying that I'm still going to play wwpc and this if I can get it going

Statistics: Posted by partymarty81 — 26 Mar 2017, 21:01

2017-03-26T18:33:16+02:00 2017-03-26T18:33:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14269&p=145954#p145954 <![CDATA[Re: New Player League]]>
Skills are optional, balls required.

Statistics: Posted by Cuddles — 26 Mar 2017, 18:33

2017-03-26T15:33:20+02:00 2017-03-26T15:33:20+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14269&p=145951#p145951 <![CDATA[New Player League]]>
I'm gauging interest for players between 0-800 rated players, who are keen to play with like minded players on a regular basis. There is currently a gap in terms of semi competitive play for people that aren't confident enough to play some of the larger ladder maps or not high enough rated to compete in the WWPC

My idea is a rolling league, awarding points for activity and wins. Small map pools with basic maps to encourage players to hone and refine build orders, in time if enough people play further divisions, introducing larger maps and side 2v2, 3v3 mini leagues

I'm happy to organise and promote this to new players, hopefully this can generate new blood into WWPC and ladder

Thanks for reading, feedback welcome


Statistics: Posted by partymarty81 — 26 Mar 2017, 15:33
