]]>2016-01-30T17:07:20+02:002016-01-30T17:07:20+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=11591&p=118694#p118694 I could do a google calendar and link it, but it's not really the same if it's not embedded in the client.
Thats also a reason why the weekly tourneys are regular and always on the same day and time. You don't need a calendar to know they'll happen, and i'm trying to get better livecast coverage every week so people can expect to get a stream they can watch every saturday.
]]>2016-01-30T16:43:21+02:002016-01-30T16:43:21+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=11591&p=118691#p118691The reason why i say this is that maybe it sounds weird but in last few weeks i am getting few friends to come over to my house and man we are not watching NFL or Soccer like we used to do, we are watching FAF Gyle cast, or any Replay matches... So funny but we love it. This game could be a real deal if it gets on better at competitive side. like 2v2, 3v3 ranked games and better info on tournaments.
]]>2016-01-30T16:30:54+02:002016-01-30T16:30:54+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=11591&p=118687#p118687I like to watch Tournament games and i would like to have VOD of some tournament in one click if that is possible. And we can make this competitive like other games or even better.