Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2015-10-24T01:19:35+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=10885 2015-10-24T01:19:35+02:00 2015-10-24T01:19:35+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10885&p=112845#p112845 <![CDATA[Re: SoulReaver Replay Vault: Newbie Tournament]]>
I lost a ton of time trying to find a way to remove the background noise and later on how to do it in a batch production mode. Still not quite done on finding all the best ways to get the best audio/image quality while loosing the less amount of time working on it, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel already.

Meanwhile, I used a batch or two of games that I recorded here to try all kinds of stuff. So the quality (specially of the audio) will change from one game to another, as I'm also a noob caster on some aspects, but I'm really happy to where I'm getting now and whatever next thing I'll do will be way better. Sorry for not doing the test any other way, just don't have that time at the moment.

Statistics: Posted by S_SoulReaver — 24 Oct 2015, 01:19

2015-10-09T00:54:55+02:00 2015-10-09T00:54:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10885&p=111897#p111897 <![CDATA[Re: SoulReaver Replay Vault: Newbie Tournament]]> Statistics: Posted by S_SoulReaver — 09 Oct 2015, 00:54

2015-10-06T16:22:56+02:00 2015-10-06T16:22:56+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10885&p=111706#p111706 <![CDATA[Re: SoulReaver Replay Vault: Newbie Tournament]]> Statistics: Posted by S_SoulReaver — 06 Oct 2015, 16:22

2015-10-02T00:50:27+02:00 2015-10-02T00:50:27+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10885&p=111477#p111477 <![CDATA[Re: SoulReaver Replay Vault: Newbie Tournament]]> HunterAntonescu x Smithy Game not found
Bullydozer x OverLord_ 3913540

Those 3 games are on the channel already, just can't update this tread from where I'm at right now.

I made some criticism comments, but more for the one that lost the game, as I can't remember the best patterns for each map by memory, I can only compare each player so far. One day I'll get that on my mind, hopefully. But there's the Speed tread with a lot of good tips and the replay analisis tread with some huge feedback from great players. Check that out.

Statistics: Posted by S_SoulReaver — 02 Oct 2015, 00:50

2015-10-01T06:44:05+02:00 2015-10-01T06:44:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10885&p=111402#p111402 <![CDATA[Re: SoulReaver Replay Vault: Newbie Tournament]]>

And to finish it since I started.....

Statistics: Posted by S_SoulReaver — 01 Oct 2015, 06:44

2015-10-01T06:15:05+02:00 2015-10-01T06:15:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10885&p=111399#p111399 <![CDATA[Re: SoulReaver Replay Vault: Newbie Tournament]]> Statistics: Posted by CodingSquirrel — 01 Oct 2015, 06:15

2015-10-01T05:58:04+02:00 2015-10-01T05:58:04+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10885&p=111398#p111398 <![CDATA[Re: SoulReaver Replay Vault: Newbie Tournament]]> Statistics: Posted by S_SoulReaver — 01 Oct 2015, 05:58

2015-09-30T21:17:35+02:00 2015-09-30T21:17:35+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10885&p=111342#p111342 <![CDATA[Re: SoulReaver Replay Vault: Newbie Tournament]]>

For instance, I only played on Syrtis Major once so far. But I'll get there, I love learning by watching, either mine or others replays... Then practicing 10 times on the same map against the AI.

Statistics: Posted by S_SoulReaver — 30 Sep 2015, 21:17

2015-09-30T17:58:25+02:00 2015-09-30T17:58:25+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10885&p=111316#p111316 <![CDATA[Re: SoulReaver Replay Vault: Newbie Tournament]]> I know that CodingSquirrel requesting that you don't cast his first game on Syrtis Major (against me), but I have to request the opposite and hope that you do cast it. I could really use the constructive criticism from another persons perspective in order to improve in FAF.

Statistics: Posted by Mapleloops — 30 Sep 2015, 17:58

2015-09-29T16:53:18+02:00 2015-09-29T16:53:18+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10885&p=111261#p111261 <![CDATA[Re: SoulReaver Replay Vault: Newbie Tournament]]> Statistics: Posted by theeggroll — 29 Sep 2015, 16:53

2015-09-29T16:41:10+02:00 2015-09-29T16:41:10+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10885&p=111260#p111260 <![CDATA[Re: SoulReaver Replay Vault: Newbie Tournament]]>
My second match on Theta Passage was much more interesting in my opinion.

Statistics: Posted by CodingSquirrel — 29 Sep 2015, 16:41

2015-09-29T15:59:37+02:00 2015-09-29T15:59:37+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10885&p=111258#p111258 <![CDATA[Re: SoulReaver Replay Vault: Newbie Tournament]]>

Updated the first post with the cast that I've made. I decided to do at least the first 4. But I have no idea if and when I will be able to finish all. Real life if busy right now.

Statistics: Posted by S_SoulReaver — 29 Sep 2015, 15:59

2015-09-29T13:34:48+02:00 2015-09-29T13:34:48+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10885&p=111254#p111254 <![CDATA[Re: SoulReaver Replay Vault: Newbie Tournament]]>
Don't expect too much though, noob tournament and all :p

ps I'm RadioFace

Statistics: Posted by madformuse — 29 Sep 2015, 13:34

2015-10-09T21:52:00+02:00 2015-09-27T20:52:24+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10885&p=111177#p111177 <![CDATA[SoulReaver Replay Vault: Newbie Tournament]]>
The players and their ladder ratings (from the start of the last 1x1 ladder replay I found)
Rayoner 407
Chili_Das_Schaf 950 (Only 5 ladder games, last one in may, lot's of FAF games ever since)
Arrowsmith 1007

I'll stop updating this, as I will just spoil a lot of who is going to win.....

Group Round 1 - Syrtis Major

Spoiler: show
Chili_Das_Schaf x Rayoner 3913507

Phelom x ntf_Shrapnel
quark036 x ak74oh 3913518
Stups x JR0725 3913530
Mirut x Enyaw

Ghost_110 x kal-el 3913533
JenZor x berakhvar 3913534
MadDog-FoggyBear x mirroredwang 3913528

Elimination Round 1


Spoiler: show
Rayoner x Fyren 3913912

Bullydozer x ak74oh 3913887
Phelom x ntf_Shrapnel 3913878

Arrowsmith x Berakhvar 3913886
Ghost_110 x NanoTech33 3913916

RadioFace x kal-el 3913884
Mirut x Mapleloops n\a

MadDog-FoggyBear x HotFog 3913881

HunterAntonescu x JR075 3913921
Quark036 x Overlord_ 3913908

bol102 x MirorEdwang n\a
Jenzor x Kitt3ns 3913889

CodingSquirrel x Enyaw n\a
Stups x Smithy n\a

Before Round 2 Brackets:
Spoiler: show

Round 2 Games - Theta Passage
Spoiler: show
Chili_Das_Schaf x Fyren 3914104
Bullydozer x Phelom N\A

Arrowsmith x Ghost_110 3914100
RadioFace x Mapleloops 39144099

Blacksun7 x HotFog 3914098
HunterAntonescu x Overlord_ 3914087

MirrorEdwang x JenZor 3914102
CodingSquirrel x Stups 3914083

Round 3 - Loki
Spoiler: show
Chili_Das_Schaf x Phelom 3914212
RadioFace x Arrowsmith 3914226

Overlord x HotFog 3914225
JenZor x Stups 3914199

Round 4 - Eye of The Storm
Spoiler: show
Chili_Das_Schaf x Arrowsmith 391431
HotFog x Jenzor 3914347

Round 5 - Open Palms
Spoiler: show
Chili_Das_Schaf x HotFog 391442

Swiss Round 1 - Syrtis Major

Round 1 - Roanoke Abyss
Round 2 - Theta Passage
Round 3 - Loki
Round 4 - Eye of The Storm
Round 5 - Open Palms

Statistics: Posted by S_SoulReaver — 27 Sep 2015, 20:52
