Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2016-12-10T05:50:47+02:00 /feed.php?f=2&t=8809 2016-12-10T05:50:47+02:00 2016-12-10T05:50:47+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8809&p=140208#p140208 <![CDATA[Re: How do you manage stress?]]> Statistics: Posted by biass — 10 Dec 2016, 05:50

2016-12-09T17:45:50+02:00 2016-12-09T17:45:50+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8809&p=140188#p140188 <![CDATA[Re: How do you manage stress?]]>
1. Click the ladder button
2. Build only air factories(first land for engies if you're Cybran/UEF)
3. Spam T1 bombers with some inties and scouts
4. Laugh my ass off that it actually works as I win

I find this a very good way to release extra stress from too serious FAF games.
I haven't had the need to do that lately though, so I haven't gotten to testing it out with the new buffed T1 AA. Someone should test it out and report back if it still works. I won every game I used it in before though so it was very consistent. xD

Statistics: Posted by JoonasTo — 09 Dec 2016, 17:45

2016-12-08T21:09:24+02:00 2016-12-08T21:09:24+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8809&p=140157#p140157 <![CDATA[Re: How do you manage stress?]]>
-_V_- wrote:
If the game causes you such stress. Stop playing and find another hobby. Otherwise, stop whining and grow some (functional) synapses.

I opened this thread to start conversation, compare experiences playing FA, and perhaps come up with some insights and advice. My final question made it clear that none of this should be taken too seriously, that would just be stressful :) Given the responses, stress or 'worrying' or 'feeling overwhelmed' are common with beginners.

madformuse wrote:
It seems to me that games / simulated combat is integral to the human experience and if you don't experience highs and lows you're not actually giving it your all.

Wise words :)

As the challenge is to play a complex game in near real-time (slow PC's have not been proposed as being helpful, but they could be be ;)), the consensus is that experience is the best cure. It should then follow that efficient play can also reduce stress: focusing on high-value clicks, organizing your base well, positioning or commanding units as soon as they are built, and using hotkeys. In my case, those have paid off. Familiarity with enemy strategies and habituating counters to common attacks has also helped me find time to observe my own play instead of being caught up in micro-management. Once I will find the time to also observe what the enemy is doing, I might actually make some progress! :D


Statistics: Posted by Zappa — 08 Dec 2016, 21:09

2014-11-07T20:02:50+02:00 2014-11-07T20:02:50+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8809&p=85419#p85419 <![CDATA[Re: How do you manage stress?]]>
-_V_- wrote:
If the game causes you such stress. Stop playing and find another hobby. Otherwise, stop whining and grow some (functional) synapses.

I opened this thread to start conversation, compare experiences playing FA, and perhaps come up with some insights and advice. My final question made it clear that none of this should be taken too seriously, that would just be stressful :)

Given the responses, stress a.k.a. 'worrying' and 'feeling overwhelmed' are definitely part of at least some beginners' learning curve.

Since the challenge is to keep track of the game in near real-time (slow PC's have not been proposed as being helpful but they might be :D), the consensus is that experience is the best cure. It should then follow that efficient play can also reduce stress: focusing on high-value clicks, organizing your base well, positioning or commanding units as soon as they are built, and using hotkeys. At least for me, those are paying off too.


Statistics: Posted by Zappa — 07 Nov 2014, 20:02

2014-11-06T16:54:53+02:00 2014-11-06T16:54:53+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8809&p=85311#p85311 <![CDATA[Re: How do you manage stress?]]>
cold hands.....check
increased heart rate ....check

Statistics: Posted by sokon — 06 Nov 2014, 16:54

2014-11-06T12:41:41+02:00 2014-11-06T12:41:41+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8809&p=85292#p85292 <![CDATA[Re: How do you manage stress?]]>
-_V_- wrote:
What more advice does one need than "realise it's just a game" ? :lol:

Maybe that's not your problem, but for most people knowing and realizing are two different things. At least if by "realize it's just a game" you means "no stress because your life is not in danger, and some people have real problem in life you know". Yeah sure.
Anyway no big deal, it's the FAF forum, we talk about stress at playing FA. If you never had any, kudos to you.

Statistics: Posted by Aarhun — 06 Nov 2014, 12:41

2014-11-06T12:37:59+02:00 2014-11-06T12:37:59+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8809&p=85290#p85290 <![CDATA[Re: How do you manage stress?]]>
It seems to me that games / simulated combat is integral to the human experience and if you don't experience highs and lows you're not actually giving it your all.

It's grate that it comes easy for you but how about diversity in players as well as diversity in factions?

Statistics: Posted by madformuse — 06 Nov 2014, 12:37

2014-11-06T12:32:00+02:00 2014-11-06T12:32:00+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8809&p=85287#p85287 <![CDATA[Re: How do you manage stress?]]>

Statistics: Posted by -_V_- — 06 Nov 2014, 12:32

2014-11-06T12:26:55+02:00 2014-11-06T12:26:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8809&p=85286#p85286 <![CDATA[Re: How do you manage stress?]]>
-_V_- wrote:
If the game causes you such stress. Stop playing and find another hobby. Otherwise, stop whining and grow some (functional) synapses.

That's the all point of this thread, trying to overcome this stress without giving up at the first difficulty in order to continue playing this game.
Who talk about whining ? It's just asking for advice.
I don't get the relation between synapses and having stress, but maybe that's because I have not enough of them… :roll:

Statistics: Posted by Aarhun — 06 Nov 2014, 12:26

2014-11-06T12:04:32+02:00 2014-11-06T12:04:32+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8809&p=85285#p85285 <![CDATA[Re: How do you manage stress?]]> Statistics: Posted by -_V_- — 06 Nov 2014, 12:04

2014-11-06T10:18:53+02:00 2014-11-06T10:18:53+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8809&p=85279#p85279 <![CDATA[Re: How do you manage stress?]]>

-_V_- wrote:
Isn't FA JUST a game ? Did someone lie to me, again ? :geek:

Yes it's JUST a game… that can provoke some stress nonetheless.

Statistics: Posted by Aarhun — 06 Nov 2014, 10:18

2014-11-06T06:07:57+02:00 2014-11-06T06:07:57+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8809&p=85277#p85277 <![CDATA[Re: How do you manage stress?]]>
bartvh wrote:
Competitive real-time games can be stressful, and with FA being as complex as it is, I tend to forget commands and lose sight of the big picture when that happens. Feeling drained can make it harder to progress along the learning curve as well: I will often stop playing after just a few games because I am not relaxed enough to start off with a clean slate again in the next one.

Some things I've found useful are

  • play team games: but they are more time consuming and less useful to improve your 1v1 skill
  • play music: I was hesitant to reduce my game volume and replace some of the cues it provides with an online radio station, but I actually find it easier to focus on the big picture and remain indifferent enough to make clearheaded decisions in game situations that would otherwise have me scrambling to resolve them. I tried this after seeing Zock do it.
  • play zoomed out a lot: on top of other advantages, this reduces the persistent humming of battles and factories

It has occurred to me that the sound effects in FA are quite tiring: it may be too much work for what it's worth, but a mod that would reduce persistent or drawn out sounds with others that are clear, distinctive and pleasing to the ear might be an interesting proposal.

So how do you combat the build-up of distracting stress: do you have pre-game rituals, drink herbal tea or do you actually find stress helpful?


Isn't FA JUST a game ? Did someone lie to me, again ? :geek:

Statistics: Posted by -_V_- — 06 Nov 2014, 06:07

2014-11-06T04:13:11+02:00 2014-11-06T04:13:11+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8809&p=85273#p85273 <![CDATA[Re: How do you manage stress?]]>
As some of the more experienced players said, the stress comes from not knowing. So if you just learn to counter everything(to a reasonable degree) then you stay calm under all situations.

As far as music goes, I always tried to listen to aggressive, high tempo music. This way it kept my playstyle aggressive and focused. Punk, Hard Rock, some Metal... etc

And as far as ragequitting goes.... just ask Aulex, or Nombringer, or.... any of those other guys. I was kind of known for it. :P
But that's only because I got frustrated over small stuff and I only ever did it when I felt I knew I couldn't win. I no longer felt like wasting my time.

Just my two cents, from a FAF retiree

Stay at it new guys! You are the future of FAF!

Statistics: Posted by Astrofoo — 06 Nov 2014, 04:13

2014-11-05T23:23:34+02:00 2014-11-05T23:23:34+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8809&p=85260#p85260 <![CDATA[Re: How do you manage stress?]]>
Plasma_Wolf wrote:
I'd advice to choose one faction and stick with that.

I'm sure your right that sticking with a faction would reduce stress levels (which is the point of this post). The reasons I've been on random so far are 1) That I'm wining the war with stress (still clicking find game) 2) If I didn't play all the factions from the start, whenever I started to I'd have to expect a drop in playing level 3) When would you switch as It's not likely I'll ever beat a lot of people even if I only played UEF. The upside of course would be being more useful in a team earlier :-)

I suppose I was just worried it would be lengthening the learning process. I've definitely learned to recognize the faction symbols quickly :-)

That being said, as better players than me keep saying the same thing I will give it some serious consideration so thank you for your advice.

Statistics: Posted by madformuse — 05 Nov 2014, 23:23

2014-11-05T23:11:50+02:00 2014-11-05T23:11:50+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8809&p=85259#p85259 <![CDATA[Re: How do you manage stress?]]>
Aurion wrote:
I say gg when other ACU is surrounded by units and cannot escape. If he somehow steals the game and kills my acu before the swarm kills his ACU it's still a gg. I also say gg when it happens to me that I'm surrounded.

Seems legit in this situation.
I was talking about players that clearly don't have won already when they say GG. But it's less a problem in this game than others I have played.

Statistics: Posted by Aarhun — 05 Nov 2014, 23:11
