Now, Seph T2 PD does 495 damage total. However this damage is inconstant with the Hit points for other T2 units. For example:
UEF T2 Pillar Heavy Tank has 1500 hp (Need 4 T2 Seph PD to take out in 1 salvo, 480 overkill)
Cybran T2 Rhino Heavy Tank has 1900 hp (Need 4 T2 Seph PD to take out in 1 salvo, 80 overkill)
Seph T2 Ilshavoh Assault Bot has 2500 hp (Need 6 T2 Seph PD to take out in 1 salvo, 470 overkill)
Aeon T2 Obsidian Heavy Tank has 2750 hp (with shield) (Need 6 T2 Seph PD to take out in 1 salvo, 220 overkill)
Because of Seph's T2 PD damage it will take an extra T2 PD to take out most of these units in one salvo.
I think it would be more fitting if total damage was increased to 500 and re-fire rate was reduced to 3.95, which brings the dps to 126. An extra 3 dps to what it was originally set at 123 dps.
Cos now with the change we get the following consistent damage. With 500 total damage..
UEF T2 Pillar Heavy Tank, 1500 hp (Need 3 T2 Seph PD to take out in 1 salvo, zero overkill)
Cybran T2 Phino Heavy Tank, 1900 hp (Need 4 T2 Seph PD to take out in 1 salvo, 100 overkill)
Seph T2 Ilshavoh Assault Bot, 2500 hp (Need 5 T2 Seph PD to take out in 1 salvo, zero overkill)
Aeon T2 Obsidian Heavy Tank has 2750 hp (with shield) (Need 6 to take out in 1 salvo, 250 overkill)
Overall you get less wasted dps, way less overkill, as well as way less wasted mass and energy building up an extra T2 PD just so you get that extra 5 damage.
Thanks for listening, looking forward to listening to your thoughts.
Also, P.S I love u Zep, thank you for sticking with the game for as long as you did.Statistics: Posted by Goldy3 — 25 Sep 2014, 23:17