Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2015-02-11T01:22:05+02:00 /feed.php?f=2&t=7239 2015-02-11T01:22:05+02:00 2015-02-11T01:22:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7239&p=93589#p93589 <![CDATA[Re: Current Ladder Rating system and general 1v1 Popularity]]> ... s.png?dl=0

Statistics: Posted by Gorton — 11 Feb 2015, 01:22

2015-02-11T01:19:16+02:00 2015-02-11T01:19:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7239&p=93588#p93588 <![CDATA[Re: Current Ladder Rating system and general 1v1 Popularity]]>
Question on what might constitutes abuse in ladder games :

As everyone knows it can take quite some time finding an opponent on the match maker, which makes it rather annoying when said opponent just quits 20 seconds into the game, especially when you keep being matched again the same guy few times in a row.

So I was playing that guy the other day, half my rating, beats me to shreds. I didn't think much of it, I often play late at night when I'd be better of sleeping, so good on him. It does happen that I get defeated by despite hudge rating differences, mostly because I can play very poorly at times.

However that guy subsequently quits every game where we got matched (which I found weird, he should have been quite happy to get yet again quite a few points for beating me) . Same thing tonight, repeat quit. He finally plays one 'til the end, and wins. However that time it got me wondering about his "rating". (Ok, I suck, but still).

Checking his replay history, it seems that he quits quite a few game after less than a minute against other players and when he doesn't, he has very few wins registered (neither win nor lose, so "draw" I suppose), including the games he actually won against me. Watching the replay, it seems he "gave up" right after my ACU exploded, same thing on a replay against another player that I checked out of curiosity.

I wouldn't care that much, but it annoys me for two reasons:
- on slow nights, waiting more time than a game lasts is a bore. Don't waste people time by quitting games on purpose right after starts.
- it seems quite obvious that the guy is having fun by artificially keeping his rating low in order to get matched up against noobies, when he eventually decide to play. Which results in my rating going up a few points for no good reason.

All in all, in-game insults are bearable, but there 's just not enough people on the ladder to have to deal with that kind of characters. It seems to me that such behavior ought to warrant some kind of warning. (unless I got it all wrong and the guy just randomly crashes at startup and the system never registers his victories because he was cursed at birth)

Statistics: Posted by Zoram — 11 Feb 2015, 01:19

2014-05-14T20:13:35+02:00 2014-05-14T20:13:35+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7239&p=72921#p72921 <![CDATA[Re: Current Ladder Rating system and general 1v1 Popularity]]>
Gorton wrote:
If people do try to abuse the system like that, report to a moderator. It is not tolerated.
Custom games will be made all unrated (and remove rating from lobby) anyway once the xvx matchmaker is finished.

now this is the real solution. When is the xvx matchmaker coming out?

edit: this xvx matchmaker is very reminiscent of dawn of war 2 system which was the decidedly best matchmaking system i have ever seen.

Statistics: Posted by RedYak — 14 May 2014, 20:13

2014-05-14T20:07:51+02:00 2014-05-14T20:07:51+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7239&p=72920#p72920 <![CDATA[Re: Current Ladder Rating system and general 1v1 Popularity]]> Custom games will be made all unrated (and remove rating from lobby) anyway once the xvx matchmaker is finished.

Statistics: Posted by Gorton — 14 May 2014, 20:07

2014-05-14T20:11:40+02:00 2014-05-14T19:57:14+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7239&p=72918#p72918 <![CDATA[Re: Current Ladder Rating system and general 1v1 Popularity]]>
Besides what is preventing people to quit custom games intentionally? Just wait for the required time to count as ranked and ctrl+k.
Now you got a game with 7 people whose time has been stolen by an abuser not just a happy guy who has no idea why he just won against a better opponent in ladder 1v1.

Edit: current system is very reminiscent of company of heroes 1 system. You would immediately see the problem this causes if you played it for a time.

Edit2: Decided to make a real proposal. I am pretty sure this is not possible but put a ban on someone who loses to inferior (like 200 rank difference) players like 2 times in a row and same rank 4 times in a row in a day. the ban would last some hours or minutes letting the guy who did not lose intentionally cool off too.

Statistics: Posted by RedYak — 14 May 2014, 19:57

2014-05-09T21:55:00+02:00 2014-05-09T21:55:00+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7239&p=72595#p72595 <![CDATA[Re: Current Ladder Rating system and general 1v1 Popularity]]> Statistics: Posted by ColonelSheppard — 09 May 2014, 21:55

2014-05-07T16:57:30+02:00 2014-05-07T16:57:30+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7239&p=72414#p72414 <![CDATA[Re: Current Ladder Rating system and general 1v1 Popularity]]> Statistics: Posted by Lionhardt — 07 May 2014, 16:57

2014-05-06T22:13:02+02:00 2014-05-06T22:13:02+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7239&p=72371#p72371 <![CDATA[Re: Current Ladder Rating system and general 1v1 Popularity]]> Statistics: Posted by keyser — 06 May 2014, 22:13

2014-05-06T17:40:53+02:00 2014-05-06T17:40:53+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7239&p=72354#p72354 <![CDATA[Re: Current Ladder Rating system and general 1v1 Popularity]]>
ColonelSheppard wrote:
crtl-k :roll:

do the forum a favour and post whole sentences.
minimum requirement of a discussion is more than pooping random words.

Statistics: Posted by rootbeer23 — 06 May 2014, 17:40

2014-05-06T17:36:57+02:00 2014-05-06T17:36:57+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7239&p=72353#p72353 <![CDATA[Re: Current Ladder Rating system and general 1v1 Popularity]]> Simply show both ratings when mouse over the name. 1v1 rating clear 1642 etc. and gobal rating in 100 steps.

Statistics: Posted by Iszh — 06 May 2014, 17:36

2014-05-06T17:27:30+02:00 2014-05-06T17:27:30+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7239&p=72352#p72352 <![CDATA[Re: Current Ladder Rating system and general 1v1 Popularity]]>

Statistics: Posted by ColonelSheppard — 06 May 2014, 17:27

2014-05-06T16:52:02+02:00 2014-05-06T16:52:02+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7239&p=72349#p72349 <![CDATA[Re: Current Ladder Rating system and general 1v1 Popularity]]> Statistics: Posted by barug — 06 May 2014, 16:52

2014-04-21T14:06:47+02:00 2014-04-21T14:06:47+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7239&p=71556#p71556 <![CDATA[Re: Current Ladder Rating system and general 1v1 Popularity]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 21 Apr 2014, 14:06

2014-04-21T13:47:19+02:00 2014-04-21T13:47:19+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7239&p=71554#p71554 <![CDATA[Re: Current Ladder Rating system and general 1v1 Popularity]]>

Statistics: Posted by ax0lotl — 21 Apr 2014, 13:47

2014-04-21T13:03:36+02:00 2014-04-21T13:03:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7239&p=71552#p71552 <![CDATA[Re: Current Ladder Rating system and general 1v1 Popularity]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 21 Apr 2014, 13:03
