An army can do all of that if it has some engineers right behind it, but it lacks the 10K - 12K HP. It does not need energy available in storage for a high load of DPS, but the DPS level drops as the units die. This is an army you If ymay lack if you go for ACU upgrades. And the ACU can't move during the upgrade session (which is annoying if your enemy launches a TML strike or large attack 20 seconds before the upgrade is done).
When you get the ACU upgrade, here are some very good combinations:
Cybran: Stealth+Range/RoF upgrade: you outrange enemy PD visual range (but not the actual firing range, so you'll have to pay attention and walk back and forth a lot, and also far enough, if your ACU is scouted).
UEF: T2+Range/damage upgrade: +25% HP (HP goes to 15000) and you can quickly build T2 PDs, T2 AA flak if you are about to get ambushed, or spawn T1 PDs if you suddenly are in the middle of it. Other ACUs can do this too, but at a lower HP level and for the Cybran, the gun upgrade is lost on the tech upgrade (for the Aeon 50% is lost). You could also try something with the TML upgrade...
Aeon: Range+RoF upgrade, or Range+Sensor Upgrade, or RoF+Tech Upgrade. The first allows you to fire further than any other ACU at a higher rate of fire. This really comes into play against higher techs (Against T1, some shots are lost at the maximum range, but that is a moot point because others don't even have this maximum range to begin with) or against enemy ACUs (outranging them and they are as fast as you). The second is an early omni sensor for no additional energy cost like the T3 radar. Useful against Cybrans because they can't use their ACU (or stealthed hoplites) to outrange PDs visual range. So put your ACU in the firebase at the front in such a case.
The third option is not unlike the UEF T2+Range/damage upgrade, but it is less effective because you don't get the range upgrade with it and you lack 1000 HP compared to the UEF.
I'm not good with the Seraphim upgrade system, but I'm sure that that has some nice tricks as well.
So in conclusion, whether a faction is "the best" at the smaller maps, really depends on whether you can use your ACU (so which of these combos are the easiest for you to pull off if it comes to that in terms of play time) and whether you can use it in combination with your army. That is more important than the factional differences of the T1 tank.Statistics: Posted by Plasma_Wolf — 27 Nov 2013, 22:03