#1. Before you post search the forum for common threads. The balance of the restorer has posts into the hundreds on probably a dozen threads and it has been nerfed very hard compared to what it used to be.
#2. There are a ton of people willing to help around here, but they can't help and inform you if you just decide to call BS on whatever they say.
#3. To actually address what you asked.... One restorer costs the same as three ASF. If you send three ASF to kill a restorer they will win, hands down, 100% of the time. Therefore, the restorer is not OP and is completely countered by ASF, so the air superiority fighter DOES maintain air superiority
Additionally, the restorer is an AA gunship, specifically designed to defend itself against air, and has laughable DPS to ground. The other gunships will die to a single ASF as they have high ground damage and pitiful AA.
TL;DR, listen more and rage less.Statistics: Posted by BRNKoINSANITY — 23 Oct 2013, 23:45