]]>2013-09-22T22:56:34+02:002013-09-22T22:56:34+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=5245&p=54322#p54322 I'm GMT -7 and try to play at around 14:00 my time.
Statistics: Posted by SJAndrew — 22 Sep 2013, 22:56
]]>2013-09-22T22:36:24+02:002013-09-22T22:36:24+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=5245&p=54319#p54319- nickserv is down - i changed #aeolus to mode -R
I'm creating this thread to inform Zepilot about it. Please be patient and wait until it's fixed. There is no need to create other threads about this topic.