prodromos wrote:"Combomming was ruining the game. Its much better this way." Huh?
"The ACU Nuke has intentionally been rendered ineffective against buildings to avoid players sacrificing their commanders on crazy suicide runs where they would run into their enemies base and detonate." And this is somehow bad?!?!?
" Its pretty lame ass when some troll gets his whole base destroyed and the only thing left he can do is get himself into peeps bases to cripple them. Personally very glad it was nerfed." Its pretty lame ass when you think this way because: a) you forget the realities of war and that a suicide run is a method used b) "when his whole base destroyed" meaning he lost and has little meaning if you lose part of your base, except if you don't play assassination in which case you probably stacked a ton of shameful eco very vulnerable anyway, or you have the vanity of the flawless victory.3)Its pretty lame indeed when you have won the game and don't kill the commander but make fun of him, in which case you deserve a little sting in the ass. 4)Share until death pretty much nullifies any argument of the very touchy touchy guys, even if I am strongly of the opinion that combombing(or any other flashy term you like) should be viable either way.