Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2013-06-15T16:58:00+02:00 /feed.php?f=2&t=4284 2013-06-14T15:23:44+02:00 2013-06-14T15:23:44+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4284&p=46202#p46202 <![CDATA[Re: fafreplay format]]>

Statistics: Posted by Kurbain — 14 Jun 2013, 15:23

2013-06-14T14:46:07+02:00 2013-06-14T14:46:07+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4284&p=46193#p46193 <![CDATA[Re: fafreplay format]]>
Spoiler: show
nothing happens when i run it?

Spoiler: show
nvm just takes a while to load - java :(

I select a replay to open and then nothing? Is FAchart supposed to run in a specific folder or something?

Statistics: Posted by Cuddles — 14 Jun 2013, 14:46

2013-06-14T10:07:08+02:00 2013-06-14T10:07:08+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4284&p=46178#p46178 <![CDATA[Re: fafreplay format]]>
Can someone move this thread to "Useful tools & mods"


Statistics: Posted by RoLa — 14 Jun 2013, 10:07

2013-06-13T13:39:22+02:00 2013-06-13T13:39:22+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4284&p=46108#p46108 <![CDATA[Re: fafreplay format]]>
But i heared that there is a modified FAFChart that works with FAF replays

Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 13 Jun 2013, 13:39

2013-06-13T13:26:49+02:00 2013-06-13T13:26:49+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4284&p=46105#p46105 <![CDATA[Re: fafreplay format]]> Statistics: Posted by Cuddles — 13 Jun 2013, 13:26

2013-06-13T13:20:08+02:00 2013-06-13T13:20:08+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4284&p=46104#p46104 <![CDATA[Re: fafreplay format]]> here is a minimal python program that will bas64-decode and decompress:

from PyQt4 import QtCore
replay = open("replay", "rt")
print bin

Statistics: Posted by rootbeer23 — 13 Jun 2013, 13:20

2013-06-15T16:58:00+02:00 2013-06-13T13:15:12+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4284&p=46102#p46102 <![CDATA[fafreplay format]]>
i looked at the different replay formats and the sources of fachart and fafclient. I understand that the fafreplay format has
- json header with meta information
- body is base64 encoded

the decoded body fafreplay seems completely different to old scfaeplay. Is there something like FAchart for the new fafreplay format? If not can someone help me to understand the new format? Perhaps i can modify fachart to read the new format.

I have modified FAChart to be compatible with new fafreplay format. The source is included in the jar file which is wrapped with the exe.

My modified version seems to have a serious bug. I deleted the file. So use the version of fffmmm.

Statistics: Posted by RoLa — 13 Jun 2013, 13:15
