Blasted Rock
2432 games played on this map [...]
34.25 % UEF (833 occurrences)
38.08 % Cybran (926 occurrences)
11.97 % Aeon (291 occurrences)
15.71 % Seraphim (382 occurrences)
Win ratios :
UEF : 43.83 % (245 games won in 559 no mirror matchup games)
Cybran : 49.48 % (286 games won in 578 no mirror matchup games)
Aeon : 43.68 % (121 games won in 277 no mirror matchup games)
Seraphim : 44.64 % (150 games won in 336 no mirror matchup games)
of these 833 uef games, 559 appear to be uef vs another faction (the others are obviously mirrored then), but i agree that it's weird that the factions don't end up with an average of 50% winStatistics: Posted by Myxir — 26 May 2013, 08:37