FunkOff wrote:
It's possible to work-around this by enabling only one or two units to be built, you then get the situation similar to ACU building missiles while walking: You don't enable construction through the build menu, but through a command button. The works, but who wants a carrier that can only make torpedo bombers?
Well the UEF ACU can construct different types of missiles while doing other things by way of having different missile types as an installable upgrade.
Would a possible workaround be to have carriers, in the same way as a command unit, have each type of aircraft as a 'upgrade' that costs zero resources/time to install? The players would not be able to queue up different types of aircraft at once, but it would solve the problem of them not being able to build on the move and solve the problem of carriers not being able to construct more than one type of plane.
How plausible is this idea?Statistics: Posted by Mycen — 17 Apr 2013, 17:34