PS: I don't see the problem that Duncane is meant to fix.
Statistics: Posted by Demo — 19 Feb 2013, 23:49
Statistics: Posted by AwarE — 18 Feb 2013, 10:58
Statistics: Posted by eXcalibur — 16 Feb 2013, 16:47
Statistics: Posted by Demo — 16 Feb 2013, 13:05
Statistics: Posted by Astrofoo — 16 Feb 2013, 06:21
Finally, the "fix" itself is not an optional plug-in like GAZ_UI, but goes directly to the data folder, in turn upsetting the core game and not just FAF. Therefore, is it even worth consideration for a future FAF patch? It does fix a whole AI profile under FAF, and AI profiles/teamplay maps are arguably one of the FAF's features, but definitely not the developer focus. Implementing something unverified, with unknown consequences and that doesn't work unless placed in data folder rather speaks against it; which is a shame, because the unit blob problem is indeed holding back the rush AI from being competent, and giving teamplay players a new toy to play with (I played with unlimited AI expansions to verify that it does address the core problem rather than it's symptoms).
Tired of turtle AI? You're in bad luck, unless you go rogue and install Duncane's files on your own risk. What you can do is put that small file in ~Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance/gamedata folder, host a passworded teamplay game, get verified people to join it and test whether it's worth your effort. When you want to play something else and not cause desyncs, all you have to do is remove that file after exiting the teamplay game you hosted; lobby itself won't care that you copied or deleted a file. Lazy way: make a "backup" folder in ~/gamedata folder, keep your AI file there when you're not hosting teamplay with it, swap the file back to ~/gamedata when hosting again.
Statistics: Posted by Demo — 16 Feb 2013, 02:27