The following is pulled right from the database. I noticed Carriers were changed in an Update. Was the inclusion of the Atlantis an Oversight or intentional?
Aeon Keefer
mass: 4000, energy: 40000, build time: 12000, build rate: 180
2xZealot AA Missile (Anti Air, Normal): 300 dps, range: 0 - 100
Total DPS = 600
Cybran Command Class
Economy: mass: 3600, energy: 36000, build time: 10800, build rate: 180
4xElectron Autocannon (Anti Air, Normal): 160 dps, range: 0 - 100
Total DPS = 640
Seraphim Iavish
Economy: mass: 4400, energy: 44000, build time: 13200, build rate: 180
2xLosaare AA Autocannon (Anti Air, Normal): 240 dps, range: 0 - 100
Total DPS = 480
UEF Atlantis
Economy: mass: 12000, energy: 150000, build time: 14400, build rate: 240
4xFlayer SAM Launcher (Anti Air, Normal): 80 dps, range: 0 - 100
Total DPS = 320
So what exactly does 3-4 times the mass cost and 4-5 Times the energy cost get you? Hardly any build speed increase for the Atlantis, Sure, double the health and some Torps, in the event you use it as a combat unit. Some really appalling AA damage comparatively. I used the Atlantis primarily as a factory before because it had such an effective production capacity when things got into high unit cap. Now the other carriers are much better specialist units and UEF has no T3 Carrier. It also has a T4 Sub that covers alot of bases, but does so with no real exceptional status(or even poorly in some areas)Statistics: Posted by brn4meplz — 09 Feb 2013, 21:28