Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2013-03-20T10:08:35+02:00 /feed.php?f=2&t=2798 2013-03-20T10:08:35+02:00 2013-03-20T10:08:35+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2798&p=34758#p34758 <![CDATA[Re: How to reach starcraft players?]]>

Statistics: Posted by Veta — 20 Mar 2013, 10:08

2013-03-19T23:20:09+02:00 2013-03-19T23:20:09+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2798&p=34721#p34721 <![CDATA[Re: How to reach starcraft players?]]>
It is never as simple as "you need more mex/mass/e", because you may be investing everything in something you need right now and be at -100 while i fact you are doing good.

Most of you are familiar with the economic overlay. One thing that would be even more handy is a similar overlay that displays the construction speed rate of a unit or a building, and the total % of your eco it is draining. It should take in account asssiting engies of course.

So, instead of having economic overlay which displays "-10m / -100e" on your factory and "-1m / -10e" on 50 engineers around, you have an overlay over the unit being built at the factory which says :

Construction speed : 200% (meaning the unit will take 5 seconds to complete instead of 10)
Mass drain : 40% (meaning 40% of your actual mass income is going into this)
Energy drain : 80%

Maybe an option to toggle from the % to the net value invested per second. Same goes for construction speed, where you could just display the remaining build time in game time seconds if anyone wants to know.

It would help noobs a lot when watching replay to understand how and why other players can outproduce them so fast. Even as an experienced played i would really like to have this to see things more "clearly" and compare stuff easily.

It may be not as fancy as an AI voice, but it will be really usefull and more informative, while also waaay easier to do ^^

In fact, when i first heared of an economic overlay i thought of this and was disappointed to see it was nothing more than the already available information when you over a building unit. Even years after i still think the game lacks something like this.

Statistics: Posted by Poch — 19 Mar 2013, 23:20

2013-03-19T12:18:04+02:00 2013-03-19T12:18:04+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2798&p=34625#p34625 <![CDATA[Re: How to reach starcraft players?]]> Statistics: Posted by ColonelSheppard — 19 Mar 2013, 12:18

2013-03-19T10:31:34+02:00 2013-03-19T10:31:34+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2798&p=34616#p34616 <![CDATA[Re: How to reach starcraft players?]]>
Setna wrote:
"You require more mass extractors" "You require more mass extractors" "Not Enough Energy" "You require more mass extractors" "Not enough energy" "Your base is under attack" "You forces are under attack" "You require more mass extractors" "Not enough Energy" "Construct additional pylons"

I would totally do multiple voices for this if someone makes a mod for it :D

Statistics: Posted by ZaphodX — 19 Mar 2013, 10:31

2013-03-19T10:21:28+02:00 2013-03-19T10:21:28+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2798&p=34612#p34612 <![CDATA[Re: How to reach starcraft players?]]>
Valki wrote:
Setna wrote:In conclusion I can think of only one way to reach the SC2 Crowd:

"You require more mass extractors" "You require more mass extractors" "Not Enough Energy" "You require more mass extractors" "Not enough energy" "Your base is under attack" "You forces are under attack" "You require more mass extractors" "Not enough Energy" "Construct additional pylonsfactories"

In all seriousness, this would have made it easier when I started this game :P

You would need quite a good Ai for this... Most people who play still have trouble balancing there Eco..

Statistics: Posted by Nombringer — 19 Mar 2013, 10:21

2013-03-19T09:34:19+02:00 2013-03-19T09:34:19+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2798&p=34604#p34604 <![CDATA[Re: How to reach starcraft players?]]>
Setna wrote:
In conclusion I can think of only one way to reach the SC2 Crowd:

"You require more mass extractors" "You require more mass extractors" "Not Enough Energy" "You require more mass extractors" "Not enough energy" "Your base is under attack" "You forces are under attack" "You require more mass extractors" "Not enough Energy" "Construct additional pylonsfactories"

In all seriousness, this would have made it easier when I started this game :P

Statistics: Posted by Valki — 19 Mar 2013, 09:34

2013-03-19T04:32:05+02:00 2013-03-19T04:32:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2798&p=34580#p34580 <![CDATA[Re: How to reach starcraft players?]]>
I really think zep should send this personally as I think it actually has more merit than 'wishful thinking' and I would encourage people to get behind this

After all, what's the harm in trying?

Statistics: Posted by Nombringer — 19 Mar 2013, 04:32

2013-03-19T04:16:33+02:00 2013-03-19T04:16:33+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2798&p=34579#p34579 <![CDATA[Re: How to reach starcraft players?]]>
Nombringer wrote:
Has anybody considered contacting Totalbiscuit? He mentioned that he liked forged alliance, and I think he would be more than happy to do a video and perhaps an interview with zep?

Totalbiscuit doesn't take requests apparently. I don't think it would hurt if a community leader wrote his agent. TB has done a few videos called "and this is why we can't have nice things" which fits the bill perfectly for SCFA. He did a few in collaboration with another youtube channel, can't recall the name. Just google "total biscuit sacrifice" and you can see the video he did for Shiny's last gem. I think the channel name was the game station, I imagine you could try reaching someone there.

I think ZaphodX + TB would make a good fit for a introduction + explanation + cast. I am sure the community could scrounge up a good replay for something like this.

Marketing aside, the biggest advantage SC2 had and has is momentum. The great story and unique races were a huge draw to the original game and netted it some fantastic reviews. Announcing a sequel to SC was like the announcement of the Star Wars prequels. Not to mention BNET drove the online community and ultimately the competitive community. Literally, all the groundwork for SC2 was already laid by SC. BNET is a huge factor in the success of blizzard and SC. SC had a lot of momentum from Chris Taylor's name and the phrase "spiritual successor to Total Annihilation," but it didn't have an active community ready to migrate. It didn't have a decade old online matchmaking service. The game ran like balls on PC's back in 2007. I remember GPGnet crashing a lot. The game isn't as immediately readable to those who never played TA or TA:kingdoms. Then they made SC2 instead of building on the old game which apparently was a bad idea (I assume this because it was also released on xbox...).

In conclusion I can think of only one way to reach the SC2 Crowd:

"You require more mass extractors" "You require more mass extractors" "Not Enough Energy" "You require more mass extractors" "Not enough energy" "Your base is under attack" "You forces are under attack" "You require more mass extractors" "Not enough Energy" "Construct additional pylons"

Statistics: Posted by Setna — 19 Mar 2013, 04:16

2013-03-19T01:52:58+02:00 2013-03-19T01:52:58+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2798&p=34565#p34565 <![CDATA[Re: How to reach starcraft players?]]>
Be nice to see more people stream games on and the like. Even just a handful of folks streaming would help promote FAF. I see some traction on youtube, but would be nice to see more live stuff. Is it possible for the proxy server to stream games?

Statistics: Posted by heelix — 19 Mar 2013, 01:52

2013-03-19T00:41:54+02:00 2013-03-19T00:41:54+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2798&p=34548#p34548 <![CDATA[Re: How to reach starcraft players?]]>
HyperNova wrote:
To be honest, this game appears unattractive to most StarCraft players. They see it as a spam fest with 4 factions, with all similar units. In StarCraft 1 or 2 all factions are 100% different from each other. Every unit has an absolute counter. Not so much in FA / FAF. The scale in FA / FAF may be bigger, but the overall game balance is 100% better in StarCraft 1 or 2.

FA / FAF gives you a throw away feeling with your units (like zerg). "Spamming is a stepping stone" someone said. In other higher rated-- supported RTS's such as CoH and StarCraft 1 / 2 you don't need a 'spam stepping stone.' This is not the better RTS . Many think so. FA / FAF is just bigger and has more stuff. That's how I see it. Also other RTS's like StarCraft doesn't have an extremely difficult economy system. You can focus more on fighting than eco in other RTS's.

Conclusion: FA / FAF is extremely harder to grasp than other RTS's. I just don't see StarCraft players coming here. Too much stuff to remember for FA / FAF. I'm 5000+ games in and I still forget tactical defense, energy storage, or nuke defense sometimes. The balancing is near horrible and the game very stressful in my opinion.

Yes it's harder to grasp than other RTS's, which you've just demonstrated with this post.

Statistics: Posted by GallantDragon — 19 Mar 2013, 00:41

2013-03-18T23:12:06+02:00 2013-03-18T23:12:06+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2798&p=34538#p34538 <![CDATA[Re: How to reach starcraft players?]]>
There wasn't these watch towers, you will have no incentive to get out of your base but to choose where your only big ball battle will take place.

That me must why it's so popular : it plays like a turtle game, feel dynamic because you have tons of useless things to do (making pylon, click barracks,....), very straight-forward, and instant gratifications in battle.

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 18 Mar 2013, 23:12

2013-03-18T23:07:24+02:00 2013-03-18T23:07:24+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2798&p=34537#p34537 <![CDATA[Re: How to reach starcraft players?]]>
Valki wrote:
Saying "Husky / TotalBiscuit / Day9 / someone should make a video favoring FAF" is wishful thinking.

They will not, because they are diehard starcraft fans and like the action-strategy more than they would like FAF's grand-strategy. For other guys such as TotalBiscuit and Force, they will alienate fans and advertisers by suddenly showcasing an old game instead of the latest releases.

Right now there are a lot of people making fun FAF videos and doing their best to make it a YouTube hit. One of these guys succeeding at making a YouTube hit is much more likely. Support them instead of praying for a miracle.

Many people already are here thanks to these videos, myself included.

this guy does not understand anything about anything. Husky, totalgarbage and day9 are not diehard stacraft fans. not just this, but i have seen you posting other stupid shit. until you get your own bias out of the discussion, you will not be able to provide anything helpful.

also, FA is NOT GRAND STRATEGY. this alone in my eyes disqualifies you from any meaningful discussion. Also, what the f*** is this 'Action-strategy', are you refering to MOBA's which other classification is ARTS? seriously, go learn your game types.

also @zep, starcraft 2 has spam, its just that scales in both games are completely different.

Statistics: Posted by Cutter — 18 Mar 2013, 23:07

2013-03-18T23:04:12+02:00 2013-03-18T23:04:12+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2798&p=34535#p34535 <![CDATA[Re: How to reach starcraft players?]]>
HyperNova wrote:
RTS's like StarCraft doesn't have an extremely difficult economy system. You can focus more on fighting than eco in other RTS's.

Let's try something. Let's take a FA replay and a SC replay of the same duration.

Let's time how many time you spend clicking on engy/doing pylon in SC, and how many times you spend doing mexes and reclaim.

Let's also time the "fight time" (from first first to last for each segment).

Compare it, now tell me again what you've just said :)

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 18 Mar 2013, 23:04

2013-03-18T23:01:24+02:00 2013-03-18T23:01:24+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2798&p=34534#p34534 <![CDATA[Re: How to reach starcraft players?]]>
SeraphimLeftNut wrote:
Economy in supcom is what connects your base, the map and your forces, making it all one fluid experience. You can't separate fighting and eco in supcom FA because they are so tightly connected and have a direct impact on each other. If you don't see the value of this after 5000+ games then you should stop wasting your time and go play starcraft.

And if you try to separate eco and fighting you get... sup com 2 :lol:

Statistics: Posted by Wakke — 18 Mar 2013, 23:01

2013-03-18T22:59:10+02:00 2013-03-18T22:59:10+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=2798&p=34532#p34532 <![CDATA[Re: How to reach starcraft players?]]>
HyperNova wrote:
Also other RTS's like StarCraft doesn't have an extremely difficult economy system. You can focus more on fighting than eco in other RTS's.

Economy in supcom is what connects your base, the map and your forces, making it all one fluid experience. You can't separate fighting and eco in supcom FA because they are so tightly connected and have a direct impact on each other. If you don't see the value of this after 5000+ games then you should stop wasting your time and go play starcraft.

Statistics: Posted by SeraphimLeftNut — 18 Mar 2013, 22:59
