Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2012-01-23T13:27:16+02:00 /feed.php?f=2&t=279 2012-01-23T13:27:16+02:00 2012-01-23T13:27:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=279&p=5353#p5353 <![CDATA[Re: FA(F) and You. A series on how to play the best game eve]]> I have had other things happening and interesting PC shenanigans recently.
I will endeavour to get the 3 videos I made uploaded for review shortly.
Apologies for the delays!

Statistics: Posted by Gowerly — 23 Jan 2012, 13:27

2011-11-08T02:53:21+02:00 2011-11-08T02:53:21+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=279&p=3249#p3249 <![CDATA[Re: FA(F) and You. A series on how to play the best game eve]]> Statistics: Posted by lafittejean — 08 Nov 2011, 02:53

2011-11-07T12:01:13+02:00 2011-11-07T12:01:13+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=279&p=3219#p3219 <![CDATA[Re: FA(F) and You. A series on how to play the best game eve]]>
The idea for lesson one was just to see a game, rather than to talk about what happened.

There will be further lessons into what to do. I will redo lesson one to reflect this, though. The plan is:
Lesson 1: UI Overview and see a game
Lesson 2: Commands + Basic Build Orders (land first/air first, etc)
Lesson 3: Economy
Lesson 4: Tech Trees
Lessons 5+: Discussion of Actual games.

I will make lesson 1 more explicit about this, though. I've had more than one person say this, now, so I'm going with the idea that I didn't communicate this enough properly!

Statistics: Posted by Gowerly — 07 Nov 2011, 12:01

2011-11-07T07:18:18+02:00 2011-11-07T07:18:18+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=279&p=3211#p3211 <![CDATA[Re: FA(F) and You. A series on how to play the best game eve]]> Statistics: Posted by lafittejean — 07 Nov 2011, 07:18

2011-11-04T01:48:46+02:00 2011-11-04T01:48:46+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=279&p=3020#p3020 <![CDATA[Re: FA(F) and You. A series on how to play the best game eve]]> Episode 1!
Let me know what you all think.
Might redo it as the first 12 seconds is all grey.

Statistics: Posted by Gowerly — 04 Nov 2011, 01:48

2011-11-03T10:50:49+02:00 2011-11-03T10:50:49+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=279&p=2932#p2932 <![CDATA[Re: FA(F) and You. A series on how to play the best game eve]]> Statistics: Posted by Gowerly — 03 Nov 2011, 10:50

2011-10-31T00:37:16+02:00 2011-10-31T00:37:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=279&p=2881#p2881 <![CDATA[Re: FA(F) and You. A series on how to play the best game eve]]> Statistics: Posted by Gowerly — 31 Oct 2011, 00:37

2011-10-27T10:22:04+02:00 2011-10-27T10:22:04+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=279&p=2706#p2706 <![CDATA[Re: FA(F) and You. A series on how to play the best game eve]]>
Will possibly redo them sometime today or over the weekend with the drawing on, as it's easier to point out what's going on. I don't like casting without it now.

I have done two lessons:
1) Introduction to FAF: A brief overview of the in-game lobby, what all the options mean (As this will probably be the first bit of FA someone sees) and the objective of a game of FA. In that I mention about ACUs and game objectives, I cheat and spawn a paragon and just build factories to build units and win the game

2) Economy in FA. I go over how the economy works. I talk about the steady income system, how it is similar to TA. I demonstrate by building some pgens and mass extractors. I talk about how you can only build mass extractors over mass spots and hydrocarbons on hydro spots. I talk about what happens when you run out of resources. I talk about build time units vs build power and how to speed up/prioritise your buildings.

As I said, will redo them within a few days and get them put up on YT.

Statistics: Posted by Gowerly — 27 Oct 2011, 10:22

2011-10-24T00:56:22+02:00 2011-10-24T00:56:22+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=279&p=2553#p2553 <![CDATA[Re: FA(F) and You. A series on how to play the best game eve]]> I'm going to go and redo my original noobcasts.

Lesson one will be on:
- Introduction to RTS
- Introduction into FA
-- Game Objective
-- What the basic units are (ACU, Land, Air factories)
-- Differences between Supcom and Starcraft/C&C Style RTS games
- Demonstration of a basic game
- Introduction to FAF Lobby and Client (unless Zep decides it's not ready for that)

This should last 30 minutes to an hour.
I will do this one by myself, as it's a very basic one and even I know the basics ;)

Statistics: Posted by Gowerly — 24 Oct 2011, 00:56

2011-10-19T11:09:25+02:00 2011-10-19T11:09:25+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=279&p=2364#p2364 <![CDATA[Re: FA(F) and You. A series on how to play the best game eve]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 19 Oct 2011, 11:09

2011-10-19T11:04:15+02:00 2011-10-19T11:04:15+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=279&p=2363#p2363 <![CDATA[Re: FA(F) and You. A series on how to play the best game eve]]> Statistics: Posted by Gowerly — 19 Oct 2011, 11:04

2011-10-19T10:28:13+02:00 2011-10-19T10:28:13+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=279&p=2361#p2361 <![CDATA[Re: FA(F) and You. A series on how to play the best game eve]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 19 Oct 2011, 10:28

2011-10-19T10:25:21+02:00 2011-10-19T10:25:21+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=279&p=2360#p2360 <![CDATA[Re: FA(F) and You. A series on how to play the best game eve]]>
If quality is a problem, I will look into doing the day[9] route and having VoD quality and live quality casts. I would just need somewhere to upload the videos then.

Statistics: Posted by Gowerly — 19 Oct 2011, 10:25

2011-10-19T07:17:09+02:00 2011-10-19T07:17:09+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=279&p=2359#p2359 <![CDATA[Re: FA(F) and You. A series on how to play the best game eve]]>
Gowerly wrote:
I took a look and it doesn't offer me much that I don't already have with FMLE, so I will probably just stick with that (or move to Xsplit if I cast bigger games).

The benefit is mostly the fact that you don't need to upload anything. You just launch a video and comment, write stuff on the screen on the fly, very user friendly. But I believe that for an experienced caster, it's just a matter of saving time by skipping the upload aspect.

Statistics: Posted by pip — 19 Oct 2011, 07:17

2011-10-19T00:34:37+02:00 2011-10-19T00:34:37+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=279&p=2358#p2358 <![CDATA[Re: FA(F) and You. A series on how to play the best game eve]]> I took a look and it doesn't offer me much that I don't already have with FMLE, so I will probably just stick with that (or move to Xsplit if I cast bigger games).

Statistics: Posted by Gowerly — 19 Oct 2011, 00:34
