For this data, Bracket1 is <300, Bracket2 is 300-800, etc.
The map sizes are on the far left column.
Alright, this is very easily the most complicated part of the survey. It’s also the one most open to disagreements with my decision as, well, going off the data it’s a stupid decision and looks like “classic FtX thinking he knows what’s better for people than they know for themselves why even make a survey blah blah.” What do I mean? Well, let me present my solution first and then work through the process of getting to that solution.
I decided to utilize an incremental pool system. This means that:
<300 will have 7 maps.
300-800 will have 9 maps.
800-1300 will have 12 maps.
1300-1800 will have 15 maps.
1800+ will have 20 maps.
If you decided to just go by mode:
<300 will have 15 maps.
300-800 will have 15 maps.
800-1300 will have 15 maps.
1300-1800 will have 20 maps.
1800+ will have 20 maps.
If you decided to just go by median:
<300 will have 15 maps.
300-800 will have 12 maps.
800-1300 will have 15 maps.
1300-1800 will have 12-15 maps.
1800+ will have 12 maps.
My logic for ignoring the “obvious” conclusion mainly stems from qualitative analysis and a look at the trends of the specific brackets compared to general trends.
The first thing I noticed was Bracket2 and their significantly larger minority in the 9 or smaller map category. In particular, 9 maps was almost large enough to be the most popular option within the group. I decided that the large difference between this group’s distribution and the general distribution of pool size preferences was justification to have this group utilize 9 maps. This also meant that the <300 bracket would have to utilize some level of maps at or below 9 maps as it would be incredibly strange to go from a map pool with more variation to one with less for new players. I ultimately settled on 7 due to the fact that a very large segment of the <300 population desired 5 maps relative to the norm, but it wasn’t large enough to make me feel that it was a good idea to go for such an extreme option. 7 maps to me was a less extreme option while shaping the pool around the higher distribution of 5 map preference at that level.
In addition, beyond the data, I felt that smaller pools would serve as a much better introduction to FAF. As the logic of this rating division for ladder will be extended into the matchmaker, it’s imperative that it be made as conducive to a good gameplay experience early on as possible. I felt that the data we had for the lower rated pools was, well, biased towards people that would like the general structure of the current system. I wanted the lower pools to consist of the classic maps in a rotation which are often played so that new players would have clear resources in the form of both guides and replays to improve and they wouldn’t be overwhelmed with the quantity of strategies needed to succeed.
Now for Bracket 3, 4, 5 I followed a similar train of logic. I noticed Bracket 3 seemed particularly favored towards 15 maps in comparison to the rest of the brackets. However, I also felt that a 15 map jump from a 9 map jump was much too extreme. I instead opted for a 12 and 15 map sequence for Bracket 3 and 4 as both seemed to generally converge to those map sizes, which is pretty obvious as all the brackets do. Now for Bracket5 I went for 20 maps because of the huge desire for 20 maps in the bracket below it. As I said before, suddenly seeing the map pool size go down is quite odd for players so even though Bracket5 had a bias towards 9-12 maps, I cannot really ignore the desires of the group right below it. Both Bracket4 and Bracket5 had 20 maps as their most favored option, and so I decided to make it the pool for the top bracket.
While the data does not fit the conclusion entirely, I used it to shape the decisions within the rating division model. I do believe another entirely viable map split is 9/12/15/(15)20/20 or anything similar to that, but I’ll gauge the need for those slight adjustments later on and I felt this initial breakdown would be the simplest one for everyone to get used to how a rating division pool should ideally work.