Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2012-09-27T14:40:38+02:00 /feed.php?f=2&t=1703 2012-09-27T14:40:38+02:00 2012-09-27T14:40:38+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1703&p=21006#p21006 <![CDATA[Re: The ladder system.]]>
Lu_Xun_17 wrote:
Alcide wrote:how does the ladder work now for the season 1? any changes?

yes : if your nickname starts by a "A" you have half of other players points : P

You don't say!
and half as many tanks too ? that would explain so many things ;)

Statistics: Posted by Alcide — 27 Sep 2012, 14:40

2012-09-27T13:09:06+02:00 2012-09-27T13:09:06+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1703&p=20999#p20999 <![CDATA[Re: The ladder system.]]>
Alcide wrote:
how does the ladder work now for the season 1? any changes?

yes : if your nickname starts by a "A" you have half of other players points : P

Statistics: Posted by Lu_Xun_17 — 27 Sep 2012, 13:09

2012-09-27T13:01:15+02:00 2012-09-27T13:01:15+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1703&p=20998#p20998 <![CDATA[Re: The ladder system.]]> Statistics: Posted by Alcide — 27 Sep 2012, 13:01

2012-09-05T10:30:21+02:00 2012-09-05T10:30:21+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1703&p=19539#p19539 <![CDATA[Re: The ladder system.]]>
Ze_PilOt wrote:
Voodoo wrote:
Ze_PilOt wrote:It's not a time constraint, but I feel that 99% of the players won't understand what it is.

For the 1%, you can display it per user (right click - view statistics).

Yes. But if the player don't like the division system they have an other target like get in the top 100 or top 10 of this "ladder". I know what you mean with "it's only a matchmaker" but why don't use it for a provisional ladder too?

The top 10 of the ladder is the top 10 of the XP league.

I didn't know this. Ok then i'm fine with it.

Statistics: Posted by Voodoo — 05 Sep 2012, 10:30

2012-09-05T10:10:15+02:00 2012-09-05T10:10:15+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1703&p=19536#p19536 <![CDATA[Re: The ladder system.]]>
Voodoo wrote:
Ze_PilOt wrote:It's not a time constraint, but I feel that 99% of the players won't understand what it is.

For the 1%, you can display it per user (right click - view statistics).

Yes. But if the player don't like the division system they have an other target like get in the top 100 or top 10 of this "ladder". I know what you mean with "it's only a matchmaker" but why don't use it for a provisional ladder too?

The top 10 of the ladder is the top 10 of the XP league.

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 05 Sep 2012, 10:10

2012-09-05T09:43:51+02:00 2012-09-05T09:43:51+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1703&p=19530#p19530 <![CDATA[Re: The ladder system.]]>
Ze_PilOt wrote:
It's not a time constraint, but I feel that 99% of the players won't understand what it is.

For the 1%, you can display it per user (right click - view statistics).

Yes. But if the player don't like the division system they have an other target like get in the top 100 or top 10 of this "ladder". I know what you mean with "it's only a matchmaker" but why don't use it for a provisional ladder too?

Statistics: Posted by Voodoo — 05 Sep 2012, 09:43

2012-09-05T09:30:52+02:00 2012-09-05T09:30:52+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1703&p=19525#p19525 <![CDATA[Re: The ladder system.]]>
For the 1%, you can display it per user (right click - view statistics).

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 05 Sep 2012, 09:30

2012-09-05T09:08:10+02:00 2012-09-05T09:08:10+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1703&p=19520#p19520 <![CDATA[Re: The ladder system.]]> Statistics: Posted by Kryo — 05 Sep 2012, 09:08

2012-09-05T08:58:03+02:00 2012-09-05T08:58:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1703&p=19518#p19518 <![CDATA[Re: The ladder system.]]>
Ze_PilOt wrote:
3. We're feeding some pretty old data into the Ladder system, i.e a smurfed out leaderboard full of non-active players. Solution: (as was intended all along but yet for some reason never implemented after release) - ratings reset. Across the board

Won't happen. It's not a ladder, just a table displaying some datas in some orders. Resetting the score will result in the matchmaker stop working.
I will eventually remove it.

Please don't remove the "1vs1 ladder". It realy shows how good a player is. Maybe put it in a undersub.

Statistics: Posted by Voodoo — 05 Sep 2012, 08:58

2012-09-04T17:53:21+02:00 2012-09-04T17:53:21+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1703&p=19487#p19487 <![CDATA[Re: The ladder system.]]>
"If I can't win the imaginary non-competition that is the global rating, then by gosh, NO ONE CAN!!1".

IMO, I'd prefer that it's kept as-is. Trueskill shows, well, the truest approximation of someone's skill, and all things being equal, I'd much rather have more data than less data. If said data bothers some people, then I humbly suggest that they don't look at it. :)

Statistics: Posted by uberge3k — 04 Sep 2012, 17:53

2012-09-04T14:07:08+02:00 2012-09-04T14:07:08+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1703&p=19475#p19475 <![CDATA[Re: The ladder system.]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 04 Sep 2012, 14:07

2012-09-04T13:03:45+02:00 2012-09-04T13:03:45+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1703&p=19463#p19463 <![CDATA[Re: The ladder system.]]>
Anaryl wrote:
That's the idea yes. You have to play more to be on top.

Yes, I get that. Obviously getting people to play more 1v1 is a good thing. That said it shouldn't be the only metric, or even the primary one. So right now, if I beat Rams (top of my league or was last I checked) I get the same amount of points as if I beat Isen. That's not producing a meaningful result.

Yes, but it will be smoothed over time as people will get in their right league directly after one or two seasons.
Meaning that I can make the leagues more close to the 1v1 ranking, meaning that being in a lower league will make you earn more point if winning an upper league.

Remember that is season 0, and it's designed to put things in motion :)

Here is why resetting it is a bad idea :
It work with statistical data gathering.
It get datas for months now. Resetting it = losing these datas. There is no point in losing them.

It would be like counting demographic by counting all individuals each time. You don't do that, you only add births and remove deaths from the last result.

The divisions are there so you can get an avatar more easily. Because people works like that : If they don't have the feeling that they can achieve something, they won't do it.

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 04 Sep 2012, 13:03

2012-09-04T10:03:30+02:00 2012-09-04T10:03:30+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1703&p=19451#p19451 <![CDATA[Re: The ladder system.]]>
Ze_PilOt wrote:
Fok wrote:Yep, i think globalmatchmaker rating doesnt have much sense now because we have the ladder.
You will say that it helps to balance the teams, but im not convinced.

A lot of people is over-rated, and a lot of people is under-rated.
And finally, it is hard to start a game because of % game quality is < 90, then it is stacked :roll:

@Anaryl : Zep said "the more you play, the more you have points" (if you win the games, obviously), for me it is a good strategy. Now if you want to play a 1vs1, you never wait more than 5 minuts :)

I'm talking of the 1v1 one.
Global is biased with seton, but that's all. (I'm thinking of removing seton from it actually)

I wouldnt recommend to remove a certain map from global rating. that would be odd for all setons players. I think the ladder is right now fine as it is.

@ Anaryl of course, the more 1on1 someone plays the higher his chance to get on top of the ladder, but his rating 1v1 has still an effect, in what league he will be set next season. In a elo based ladder someone who plays much still would be on top. And trueskill is just not working for a ladder, as a true skill rating with 1000 games played is nearly static, and quite boring. If the other 1on1 players dont play as much, its their problem. Not madstorks :P

Statistics: Posted by Kryo — 04 Sep 2012, 10:03

2012-09-04T09:18:06+02:00 2012-09-04T09:18:06+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1703&p=19450#p19450 <![CDATA[Re: The ladder system.]]>
Fok wrote:
Yep, i think globalmatchmaker rating doesnt have much sense now because we have the ladder.
You will say that it helps to balance the teams, but im not convinced.

A lot of people is over-rated, and a lot of people is under-rated.
And finally, it is hard to start a game because of % game quality is < 90, then it is stacked :roll:

@Anaryl : Zep said "the more you play, the more you have points" (if you win the games, obviously), for me it is a good strategy. Now if you want to play a 1vs1, you never wait more than 5 minuts :)

I'm talking of the 1v1 one.
Global is biased with seton, but that's all. (I'm thinking of removing seton from it actually)

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 04 Sep 2012, 09:18

2012-09-04T09:08:43+02:00 2012-09-04T09:08:43+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1703&p=19449#p19449 <![CDATA[Re: The ladder system.]]> You will say that it helps to balance the teams, but im not convinced.

A lot of people is over-rated, and a lot of people is under-rated.
And finally, it is hard to start a game because of % game quality is < 90, then it is stacked :roll:

@Anaryl : Zep said "the more you play, the more you have points" (if you win the games, obviously), for me it is a good strategy. Now if you want to play a 1vs1, you never wait more than 5 minuts :)

Statistics: Posted by Fok — 04 Sep 2012, 09:08
