i looked at it in use and imo i have to agree with farmsthat the minimap skew is too hard to see, i get it, you want to be able to show off the whole map incase you're zoomed on on something, but even on like a 24? or so inch monitor at 1080p it's mostly illegible, honestly i would scrap the skew, and the container and it's associated effects and see if that is legible, and if not, scrap it and then bring in a bigger view to edit in if another event outside of your original view needed focus
contrary to the map, everything is really way too big. and it intrudes in the way of the game itself at times
- I don't know why the names and also the reclaim number needs to be larger then even the title of the video.
- I don't know why the names need a giant container and i don't know why they need to be one colour, you could very happily recolour them and with a little styling communicate the colour of the player, their name, their rating, and even their country with way less space taken up.
- You used zeroes three (the supcom font) on the reclaim stuff and not the player names which is strange, the decorative font should be on the name, and something very readable like a fitting serif should be on the smaller text. Then you can theme the numbers and the letters together and bring the size down while still being readable.
- the numbers for the storage are on the verge of being too small but if you change the font it should be fine, might want to give it a bit more character spacing if it's still not good enough though.
- If you're smart with your storage numbers you can put said text inside the bar and make said bars waaay bigger.