note the path name is programdata not programfiles. its a hidden folder.
after that you can host a game through the main menu and you should find that since faf supports 16 player games you can also play them offline.
make sure that each PC has run faf at least once and hosted or joined a game to get the patch downloaded. If there is no internet then you can have one person dowload the patch, and then redistribute the C:\ProgramData\FAForever\FAForever\ folder that contains it via usb or whatever method.
alternatively, if you have an internet connection, each player could play through faf as well. you need to go into the faf client, Options>Settings>Game Port and then set the port to a different number of each player. and then turn on UPnP (im not entirely sure) and be able to just host a game on faf and have your lan mates join.Statistics: Posted by Exotic_Retard — 07 Mar 2018, 10:33