Exotic_Retard wrote:
1. the editing is nice, and the vid has an overall high quality feel to it.
2.it feels trustworthy, but not sure what you mean with official. it looks like something a youtuber might make (no shit its a yt vid) doesnt look like something that says this is official faf content if thats what youre looking for.
3.the first bit about the acu if you die feels a little dumbed down, but the explanation of oc really is important imo, lots of new players dont seem to know about it. the upgrades explanation is good too. I feel that some adjustment might be good so that its giving really really correct advice - stressing that an acu is great to be used agressively, but you need to understand when it gets too dangerous, and how to make sure you dont suicide while doing it. The upgrades are great but a general awareness that there are situations where you prefer one over the other (like t2 when you have eco to build stuff with, or some general commentary that if you get an upgrade you need to plan to use it)
4.the vid is pretty short, i think it could be a bit longer. not saying it SHOULD be though. this current length seems to be pretty well packed, and its certainly not long enough to be boring for example
or something like that at least.
Official as in coming from faf. If it feels official, it increases trust. That's what I mean.
Trying a
There are plans to dive into upgrades. But each video is bite sized. A video about ACU basics shouldn't involve strategy imo, because that may not be what the player is wondering. But I do have a couple videos lined up expanding the ACU knowledge. How to use (strategy), and wtf are these upgrades. Small bits of info makes it easier to learn. I'm trying to address perception to ease learning.Statistics: Posted by Medicraze — 01 Mar 2018, 15:03