Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2017-05-21T04:47:27+02:00 /feed.php?f=2&t=14559 2017-05-21T04:47:27+02:00 2017-05-21T04:47:27+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14559&p=149320#p149320 <![CDATA[Re: How can beat the S t3 submarine army]]>
ZeRen wrote:
for noobs like me T3 subs can be OP, it is much easier to micro T3 subs then T2 sub+steath boat or T2 sub and shield

and theń why Heaven making this tutorials when like you said "Some video is not going to magically make you better"

funny because Heavens videos actually made me better air play

have you ever played on that map in the 1st floor I have upload to you

Statistics: Posted by newone — 21 May 2017, 04:47

2017-05-18T08:11:15+02:00 2017-05-18T08:11:15+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14559&p=149094#p149094 <![CDATA[Re: How can beat the S t3 submarine army]]>
PhilipJFry wrote:
sorry but i get <10 kb/s download speed from that server and i can't be arsed to wait 3 hours to get that file and see if i can open the replay then.
If my memory doesn't trick me the t3 sub should have 4k hp in 3640 and torp bombers kill them mass efficiently.
general counter with each faction:

    Sera: t2 torpedo bomber, your own t3 subs + mobile shields.
    UEF: t2 torpedo bombers, torpedo boats + shield boats, maybe even an atlantis for range
    Aeon: t2/t3 torpedo bombers, destroyers/t2 subs + mobile shields, tempest + shields
    Cybran: t2 torpedo bombers, destroyers/t2 subs + mobile stealth boats/t3 sonar, nano+engi sacus HARMS creep

not a whole lot to add... T3 subs are not really OP.

I have upload to another sever: ... o1J5MIERJV

you guys are so good at the fa database.I really appciate your job. the community in china was so small, there was no blance team to test the map wether is blance or not, So I need your help.

Thank you

Statistics: Posted by newone — 18 May 2017, 08:11

2017-05-15T17:07:24+02:00 2017-05-15T17:07:24+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14559&p=148827#p148827 <![CDATA[Re: How can beat the S t3 submarine army]]>
and theń why Heaven making this tutorials when like you said "Some video is not going to magically make you better"

funny because Heavens videos actually made me better air play

Statistics: Posted by ZeRen — 15 May 2017, 17:07

2017-05-15T11:15:23+02:00 2017-05-15T11:15:23+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14559&p=148800#p148800 <![CDATA[Re: How can beat the S t3 submarine army]]> If my memory doesn't trick me the t3 sub should have 4k hp in 3640 and torp bombers kill them mass efficiently.
general counter with each faction:

    Sera: t2 torpedo bomber, your own t3 subs + mobile shields.
    UEF: t2 torpedo bombers, torpedo boats + shield boats, maybe even an atlantis for range
    Aeon: t2/t3 torpedo bombers, destroyers/t2 subs + mobile shields, tempest + shields
    Cybran: t2 torpedo bombers, destroyers/t2 subs + mobile stealth boats/t3 sonar, nano+engi sacus HARMS creep

not a whole lot to add... T3 subs are not really OP.

Statistics: Posted by PhilipJFry — 15 May 2017, 11:15

2017-05-15T09:48:58+02:00 2017-05-15T09:48:58+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14559&p=148798#p148798 <![CDATA[Re: How can beat the S t3 submarine army]]>
PhilipJFry wrote:
the replay in the archive you linked above is a SCFAReplay... did you play FAF or retail/steam FA?
can't even watch the replay neither with steam nor with faf

Also the map doesn't really matter when it comes to being able to deal with T3 subs in FAF other than the T3 sub not really being a viable option on smaller maps. If your opponent builds them you spam T2/T3 torpedo bomber to force him to make more cruiser/hover shields. If you still struggle then use your own mobile shields to negate their damage (since it's fairly low) or stealth to force them to get closer which will enable you to take out the mobile shields which again makes them vulnerable to torpedo bombers.

it was 3640 files, do you have one ?
if you don't have one , I would upload one for you.

link: code: pkit

put it next to your bin folder

really appriate your advise, thank your very much

Statistics: Posted by newone — 15 May 2017, 09:48

2017-05-15T09:09:32+02:00 2017-05-15T09:09:32+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14559&p=148797#p148797 <![CDATA[Re: How can beat the S t3 submarine army]]> can't even watch the replay neither with steam nor with faf

Also the map doesn't really matter when it comes to being able to deal with T3 subs in FAF other than the T3 sub not really being a viable option on smaller maps. If your opponent builds them you spam T2/T3 torpedo bomber to force him to make more cruiser/hover shields. If you still struggle then use your own mobile shields to negate their damage (since it's fairly low) or stealth to force them to get closer which will enable you to take out the mobile shields which again makes them vulnerable to torpedo bombers.

Statistics: Posted by PhilipJFry — 15 May 2017, 09:09

2017-05-15T08:37:15+02:00 2017-05-15T08:37:15+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14559&p=148796#p148796 <![CDATA[Re: How can beat the S t3 submarine army]]> Statistics: Posted by newone — 15 May 2017, 08:37

2017-05-15T06:54:07+02:00 2017-05-15T06:54:07+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14559&p=148794#p148794 <![CDATA[Re: How can beat the S t3 submarine army]]> first time, I made a lot of T2 navy factories and build t2 sub and t2 shield ship and it's also need a lot of energy. and the player oppsite to me, he build a s t3 battle ship and nuclear bomb , it's can't avoid to escape from nuclear inside a S battle ship. so all my navy dead
Second time, He use his t3 sub killed my navy. after that I made a lot of t2 torpedo killer to kill his t3 sub , and then he use t2 cruiser and I didn't have a navy to beat him ,so I lost again.

Statistics: Posted by newone — 15 May 2017, 06:54

2017-05-14T18:02:09+02:00 2017-05-14T18:02:09+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14559&p=148754#p148754 <![CDATA[Re: How can beat the S t3 submarine army]]>
The downside of this is that it's micro-intensive and if your opponent counters with his own micro then you're still losing battleships. So it's not a solution to T3 subhunter spam but it'll certainly make things harder for your opponent and less painful for you.

Statistics: Posted by Plasma_Wolf — 14 May 2017, 18:02

2017-05-14T08:16:29+02:00 2017-05-14T08:16:29+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14559&p=148696#p148696 <![CDATA[Re: How can beat the S t3 submarine army]]>
ZeRen wrote:
some tutorial for each faction from some PRO would be nice, Heaven? :D

Some video is not going to magically make you better, listen to what FTX is saying.

Statistics: Posted by biass — 14 May 2017, 08:16

2017-05-14T08:14:27+02:00 2017-05-14T08:14:27+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14559&p=148695#p148695 <![CDATA[Re: How can beat the S t3 submarine army]]>
ZeRen wrote:
FtXCommando wrote:1 T3 sub is killed by 1 aeon T3 torp bomber. T3 subs utterly crushed by coopers + shields. T3 subs just crushed in general by T2 subs mass-for-mass. They used to be OP as hell a few years ago but now they're at an okay spot.

yea, but for T3 torp you need T3 Air and if you are navy it is investment, OP buvark :lol: , T2 subs well, I tried it my self, but if he kite (wrong word?) not sure, more T3 subs worse it is (like percy vs Harb)

some tutorial for each faction from some PRO would be nice, Heaven? :D

"A counter isn't a counter because it requires effort to make"

Um, so what if T3 torp requires t3 air? Make t2 torps, they're still mass efficient.

Not really sure what you're getting at with bulwarks, it's still an effective counter.

T2 subs are going to beat T3 subs. You can get 3 T2 subs per T3 sub, and Cybran can include stealth to further anti-torp capabilities. The T3 land comparison is a false comparison because of the fact anti-torps exist.

Statistics: Posted by FtXCommando — 14 May 2017, 08:14

2017-05-14T08:01:58+02:00 2017-05-14T08:01:58+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14559&p=148691#p148691 <![CDATA[Re: How can beat the S t3 submarine army]]>
FtXCommando wrote:
1 T3 sub is killed by 1 aeon T3 torp bomber. T3 subs utterly crushed by coopers + shields. T3 subs just crushed in general by T2 subs mass-for-mass. They used to be OP as hell a few years ago but now they're at an okay spot.

yea, but for T3 torp you need T3 Air and if you are navy it is investment, OP buvark :lol: , T2 subs well, I tried it my self, but if he kite (wrong word?) not sure, more T3 subs worse it is (like percy vs Harb)

some tutorial for each faction from some PRO would be nice, Heaven? :D

Statistics: Posted by ZeRen — 14 May 2017, 08:01

2017-05-14T02:03:26+02:00 2017-05-14T02:03:26+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14559&p=148674#p148674 <![CDATA[Re: How can beat the S t3 submarine army]]> Statistics: Posted by FtXCommando — 14 May 2017, 02:03

2017-05-18T10:56:24+02:00 2017-05-14T01:48:27+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14559&p=148673#p148673 <![CDATA[How can beat the S t3 submarine army]]>
when one side a lot of s T3 submarine and what should I do if want to beat them?

here is 3640bin file:

put it next to your bin folder

open the fa.exe in the 3640bin folder, and you can see the replay!

also you need this map to see itAnerle.v04B.rar

Statistics: Posted by newone — 14 May 2017, 01:48
