Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2017-03-19T05:17:01+02:00 /feed.php?f=2&t=14177 2017-03-19T05:17:01+02:00 2017-03-19T05:17:01+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14177&p=145564#p145564 <![CDATA[Re: Full share sometimes?]]>
Gorton wrote:
Mycen wrote:
Gorton wrote:It's likely your ally just destroyed all of his things on purpose.

That's the real question: Why do people do this? I've seen people, even before they get killed, declare that the game is unwinnable, blow up all their stuff, then stay in the game and chat rather than just keep playing? I've never understood this behavior.

It's the internet.

I'd like to leave solely that as my answer, but I have to add that when you can't understand someone's behaviour, you also can't convince them their behaviour isn't normal, etc

Personally I just label them as idiots internally and try to forget them. Also I try not to play on the same team ever again ^^

As fun you even play.

Statistics: Posted by Sovietpride — 19 Mar 2017, 05:17

2017-03-18T14:21:41+02:00 2017-03-18T14:21:41+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14177&p=145494#p145494 <![CDATA[Re: Full share sometimes?]]>
Mycen wrote:
Gorton wrote:It's likely your ally just destroyed all of his things on purpose.

That's the real question: Why do people do this? I've seen people, even before they get killed, declare that the game is unwinnable, blow up all their stuff, then stay in the game and chat rather than just keep playing? I've never understood this behavior.

It's the internet.

I'd like to leave solely that as my answer, but I have to add that when you can't understand someone's behaviour, you also can't convince them their behaviour isn't normal, etc

Personally I just label them as idiots internally and try to forget them. Also I try not to play on the same team ever again ^^

Statistics: Posted by Gorton — 18 Mar 2017, 14:21

2017-03-18T07:26:31+02:00 2017-03-18T07:26:31+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14177&p=145471#p145471 <![CDATA[Re: Full share sometimes?]]>
Gorton wrote:
It's likely your ally just destroyed all of his things on purpose.

That's the real question: Why do people do this? I've seen people, even before they get killed, declare that the game is unwinnable, blow up all their stuff, then stay in the game and chat rather than just keep playing? I've never understood this behavior.

Statistics: Posted by Mycen — 18 Mar 2017, 07:26

2017-03-15T23:46:00+02:00 2017-03-15T23:46:00+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14177&p=145175#p145175 <![CDATA[Re: Full share sometimes?]]>
Gorton wrote:
It's likely your ally just destroyed all of his things on purpose.

Thanks, it is that when you watch the replay, all his stuff self destructs at the same time. I can't believe that I missed that, I only watched the replay four times trying to work it out.


Statistics: Posted by tallian2 — 15 Mar 2017, 23:46

2017-03-13T16:54:51+02:00 2017-03-13T16:54:51+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14177&p=145023#p145023 <![CDATA[Re: Full share sometimes?]]> Statistics: Posted by Farmsletje — 13 Mar 2017, 16:54

2017-03-13T16:20:32+02:00 2017-03-13T16:20:32+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14177&p=145018#p145018 <![CDATA[Re: Full share sometimes?]]>
FtXCommando wrote:
Had this happen in one of my games. What happened was that the people that used the mod that gifts your stuff to an ally automatically once you die (ecomanager?) had their stuff not self-destruct on share until death while those that did not have the mod had their base self destruct like it was supposed to. I haven't had it happen since that one game, though and I think KeyBlue already is working on fixing the issue.

This should have been fixed last december. (by icedreamer actually :) )

So I'm thinking Gorton is correct here, but we just need the replay to make sure of it.

Statistics: Posted by KeyBlue — 13 Mar 2017, 16:20

2017-03-13T15:20:14+02:00 2017-03-13T15:20:14+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14177&p=145017#p145017 <![CDATA[Re: Full share sometimes?]]> Statistics: Posted by FtXCommando — 13 Mar 2017, 15:20

2017-03-13T13:58:55+02:00 2017-03-13T13:58:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14177&p=145011#p145011 <![CDATA[Re: Full share sometimes?]]> If you give the replay ID, I can give you a proper answer.

Statistics: Posted by Gorton — 13 Mar 2017, 13:58

2017-03-13T13:56:55+02:00 2017-03-13T13:56:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14177&p=145010#p145010 <![CDATA[Full share sometimes?]]>
Then a few minutes later one of the other teams players got killed and all his units were shared to his team mate.

Is this a bug or something that is supposed to happen?

Statistics: Posted by tallian2 — 13 Mar 2017, 13:56
