PopSniper wrote:
I am VERY upset with the current global ranking system and I think it is BROKEN. Over the past few weeks I've noticed an alarming change in how my rank changes from game to game. I lost a recent game on Gap because the two mid players left the game about 10 minutres after it started. Since the game was lost, I elected to cntrl K. My rank went down by 10!!! WTF. I proceeded to win 4 games in a row after that and my largest rank up was a 3. Then I lost another game and my rank dropped by 8!! I've noticed that when I win my rank goes up a small amout but if I'm on the losing team it never goes down by less than 7! I do not understand why this happens. I usually play air and don't get the opportunity to kill many commanders but I contribute a lot by killing off gunships and bombers that could have killed my teammates. PLEASE FIX THIS and make it fair.
While I think some of this rating rating gain issue you are having could be due to team stacking. I think I have noticed a general increase in rating drop per games. I have had 90% games where I lost and lost like 6-9 rating (no jokes intended on that number.) then I would win matches on a similiar amount and only gain like 3-4 rating per.
One thing I have been particularly curious about is some of the coding that was added on august 8th. One particular one...
"7. Add new GPGNet command for enforcing ratings."
I tried to ask around about what exactly that new "GPGNet command" did exactly with the rating but I never really got an answer to it. Although I did note that rating drops seems to have been larger ever since unless it is merely a coincidence. If someone can say here what that new command actually does that would be appreciated.
Regardless the rating system in the current state of things does seem to be overall inflated and could use some love. And maybe another rating wipe and reset like when the rating system changed the first time a few years ago. Most people probably would not agree with a rating reset, but it happened once before and it can happen again if need-be. Besides, I think that would help some of the present inflation if that reset came with a significant change to the rating mechanics. I imagine it would be tricky. But hey, open-source client. As long as people with the time and know-how are willing. We can get anything done.Statistics: Posted by Beastmode — 04 Sep 2016, 23:36