Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2017-01-24T20:40:02+02:00 /feed.php?f=2&t=12625 2017-01-24T20:40:02+02:00 2017-01-24T20:40:02+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12625&p=142527#p142527 <![CDATA[Re: Test My Mission: ThetaCivilianRescue]]> viewtopic.php?f=78&t=13916

Statistics: Posted by speed2 — 24 Jan 2017, 20:40

2016-11-07T19:59:24+02:00 2016-11-07T19:59:24+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12625&p=138530#p138530 <![CDATA[Re: Test My Mission: ThetaCivilianRescue]]> Now you can't play with multiple people and possibly more bugs could occur.

So I give you the latest version that works with the latest coop update.


Statistics: Posted by KeyBlue — 07 Nov 2016, 19:59

2016-10-08T11:37:13+02:00 2016-10-08T11:37:13+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12625&p=136872#p136872 <![CDATA[Re: Test My Mission: ThetaCivilianRescue]]>
That was a very peculiar situation.
1 of the 8 MML was still doing the original attack move to the edge of the map and therefore still following your units towards your base.
The other 7 were already done and were waiting at the edge of the map to continue the orders.
After X seconds they decide to join the 1 thats attacking you.
When you kill the 1 attacking MML, the others don't have to wait for him anymore and will do the move command to the outside of the map (so it looks like they are retreating from you).

Not sure how to avoid such situations from happening.
I made a github issue and will try to find a way to avoid such things before the next coop update.

Statistics: Posted by KeyBlue — 08 Oct 2016, 11:37

2016-10-08T10:30:54+02:00 2016-10-08T10:30:54+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12625&p=136871#p136871 <![CDATA[Re: Test My Mission: ThetaCivilianRescue]]>
EDIT: Found it, luckily, it escaped my replay purge. By a hair too, literally the first replays that didn't get deleted. :D
#5196596, around 19 minutes. It seems they are the ones going around to the right, if you engage them BEFORE they reach the right unexplored side, they will still run there. Maybe they lost radar coverage so they disengaged and continued their patrol?

Statistics: Posted by JoonasTo — 08 Oct 2016, 10:30

2016-10-08T01:00:23+02:00 2016-10-08T01:00:23+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12625&p=136851#p136851 <![CDATA[Re: Test My Mission: ThetaCivilianRescue]]> Now I really want to see a replay.
No idea how patroling MMLs would retreat from ACU.

Statistics: Posted by KeyBlue — 08 Oct 2016, 01:00

2016-10-08T00:24:03+02:00 2016-10-08T00:24:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12625&p=136850#p136850 <![CDATA[Re: Test My Mission: ThetaCivilianRescue]]> Statistics: Posted by JoonasTo — 08 Oct 2016, 00:24

2016-10-07T20:06:35+02:00 2016-10-07T20:06:35+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12625&p=136836#p136836 <![CDATA[Re: Test My Mission: ThetaCivilianRescue]]>
JoonasTo wrote:
Enemy units sometimes retreat back into the unexplored map part at the east side where you can't follow. Highly annoying.

replay please and time when it happens.
Do you mean when the units leave the cybran base and go into unexplored part of the map, to later pop up from the (bottom) right?

Statistics: Posted by KeyBlue — 07 Oct 2016, 20:06

2016-10-07T19:32:42+02:00 2016-10-07T19:32:42+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12625&p=136835#p136835 <![CDATA[Re: Test My Mission: ThetaCivilianRescue]]> Statistics: Posted by JoonasTo — 07 Oct 2016, 19:32

2016-10-07T18:38:26+02:00 2016-10-07T18:38:26+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12625&p=136834#p136834 <![CDATA[Re: Test My Mission: ThetaCivilianRescue]]>
Phelom wrote:
Yes i played alone (when connection is not good), but, i won all missions with hard settings, why Theta should look impossible to win with hard settings ?

So it's more of a challenge and something different from the rest?
If you don't want to put in effort or can't beat it, just play it on a lower difficulty. ( this is why there isn't only 1 difficulty level )

And if you think it is impossible, then post a replay so we can see what is wrong.
If there is an issue with the mission (bugs, etc), then it will get fixed in the future.

Statistics: Posted by KeyBlue — 07 Oct 2016, 18:38

2016-10-07T17:22:06+02:00 2016-10-07T17:22:06+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12625&p=136833#p136833 <![CDATA[Re: Test My Mission: ThetaCivilianRescue]]>
speed2 wrote:
Did you play alone? Also what difficulty? If Hard maybe you need a lower one ;)

Yes i played alone (when connection is not good), but, i won all missions with hard settings, why Theta should look impossible to win with hard settings ?

Statistics: Posted by Phelom — 07 Oct 2016, 17:22

2016-10-07T09:57:27+02:00 2016-10-07T09:57:27+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12625&p=136811#p136811 <![CDATA[Re: Test My Mission: ThetaCivilianRescue]]>

Statistics: Posted by speed2 — 07 Oct 2016, 09:57

2016-10-07T03:13:40+02:00 2016-10-07T03:13:40+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12625&p=136798#p136798 <![CDATA[Re: Test My Mission: ThetaCivilianRescue]]> Statistics: Posted by Phelom — 07 Oct 2016, 03:13

2016-09-14T13:12:49+02:00 2016-09-14T13:12:49+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12625&p=135307#p135307 <![CDATA[Re: Test My Mission: ThetaCivilianRescue]]>
default=Hard right now. So you should simply lower the difficulty, if you are having some problems.
And when you can comfortably win on medium, you can come back to hard.

I guess Hard is default, since original missions are quite easy for FAF standards.
I tried making this mission a lot harder though so the difficulty isn't comparable to original campaign.

Statistics: Posted by KeyBlue — 14 Sep 2016, 13:12

2016-09-14T12:48:40+02:00 2016-09-14T12:48:40+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12625&p=135303#p135303 <![CDATA[Re: Test My Mission: ThetaCivilianRescue]]> Statistics: Posted by -Axiom- — 14 Sep 2016, 12:48

2016-09-12T12:57:40+02:00 2016-09-12T12:57:40+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=12625&p=135101#p135101 <![CDATA[Re: Test My Mission: ThetaCivilianRescue]]> ...

EDIT: Probably won't help with the big download, considering what speed2 said.

Statistics: Posted by KeyBlue — 12 Sep 2016, 12:57
