if you have an unassisted nuke, and not stalling it will go faster than having tons of engis assisting it and stalling.
for some reason ther is a point when stalling energy hard, your massextractors will even produce less mass, and therefore now cause mass stall as well. therfor just putting more buildpower into the same prooject has sometimes even a negative effect.
thsi sucks prett much if you have millions of t1 engis and want to spam a t4 up fast, it works nice if you can build the whole t4 from storage, but anytime else its mostly slower if you cripple your energy to much.
happens mostly when building paragons, t4 air, RAS, basically all ACU upgrades, or nukes. as they have a way higer energy consumption than mass,Statistics: Posted by Mr-Smith — 10 Oct 2015, 11:37