but t1 to have longer payback time?
I think this will mostly negate the advantage of early map control;
do we really want that?
I don't know about shields.
Well wreckage should stay as it is , .. I think.
To the average population of FA it would do harm.
The vast majority just learns to be lazy under shields
and pds.
No, I think this would encourage such behaviors as well
as nerfing the importance of first t1 mexes. At your level
your suggestions may have merit , but then again your level is
a rarity. People should learn that it's important to have map control
and to reclaim and this does not help.
At first I thought SupCom 2 did well with performance issues( you can actually
control more units with much less lag), but it did it at the expense of the
normal behavior of units. Now all move like a big snake on ice. It's not nice
seeing troops with four legs skating on grass as if it was ice.( I would actually acknowledge
the perf improvements if I saw more threads being consumed by the game, which
practically doesn't happen; ok maybe a little but nothing big).
It improved graphics though, this it did well. But then again they limited camera
controls. They made planes just hover over the ground when idle which is horrible.
And they allowed for arty fest to be easy, which may appeal to some(see the Thermo crowd)
, but it can really break late game. And they made pds so powerful it doesn't have any meaning
building mobile troops late game. You can just sit your ass behind shields and pds to infinity.
Again this appeals to some people, but it's at least horrible.
They improved ai though, this they did well too. AI in Supcom 2 is an improved version of Sorian Ai
as it was built by Sorian I think. Now, this may have little meaning for online play, but it's positive
and should be mentioned.Statistics: Posted by prodromos — 30 Jun 2015, 00:39