Forged Alliance ForeverForged Alliance Forever Forums2012-04-10T20:35:48+02:00/feed.php?f=2&t=10132012-04-10T20:35:48+02:002012-04-10T20:35:48+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=1013&p=10693#p10693Statistics: Posted by Beastmode — 10 Apr 2012, 20:35
]]>2012-04-10T15:49:28+02:002012-04-10T15:49:28+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=1013&p=10672#p10672Statistics: Posted by FunkOff — 10 Apr 2012, 15:49
]]>2012-04-10T13:16:37+02:002012-04-10T13:16:37+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=1013&p=10663#p10663 mod is v1.2 now, i fixed some code failure causing miscalculation for team score added pictures
]]>2012-04-09T14:31:51+02:002012-04-09T14:31:51+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=1013&p=10585#p10585Statistics: Posted by FunkOff — 09 Apr 2012, 14:31
]]>2012-04-10T15:56:34+02:002012-04-09T14:27:38+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=1013&p=10584#p10584 King of the Hill gameplay mod by Myxir (aka Brainwashed)
--- gameplay ---
you will start as usual, normal spawnpoint and normal teams there will be a message "King of the Hill" show up, you'll then see that the mod has been activated according to the amout of players in the teams (to be exactly, of the biggest team), you'll need to score points to win: 180 points each player to score points, get mobile landunits into the middle of the map (might not be middle of the island or whatever, it's the middle of the map, therefore some maps won't do any good playing this mod), you'll achieve one point each 5 seconds if you or a teammate got enough units on the hill. if more than one player of a team has enough local units, your team gets more points if foes have both enough local units, both (and all their teammates) will get points those who get points at the very moment will be announced where the "xxxxx is cheating"-message is appearing, the amout of points is also displayed at steps of 25%, 50% and 75%, one of the team which scored this much points will be announced once one team scored all necessary points, the game will end
--- get this mod running ---
extract this file and insert the KOTH folder into your [ ...\Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance\mods ] folder or whereever you installed the game if there is no /mods folder yet, create one and then insert the KOTH folder
--- useful to know ---
- needed points to win: FFA:180 points(15 min on the hill) teams of two players:360 points teams of three players:540 points teams of four and more players:720 points
- hill size and needed units: the hill covers an area of 5% of the mapheight and 5% of the mapwidth the hill is located EXACTLY in the middle of the map
edit: aww, i've just been informed there once someone already has done a King of the Hill mod (not exactly like this)... well, hopefully this still will provide some entertainment
edit2: fixed a code failure which caused wrong point calculation for teamplay
added nice screenshots (point calc failure which you can see on the screens is fixed)