Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2015-07-01T08:50:54+02:00 /feed.php?f=2&t=10109 2015-07-01T08:48:14+02:00 2015-07-01T08:48:14+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10109&p=102669#p102669 <![CDATA[Re: SACUs (rambo mostly)]]>
Almost didn't remember that post actually, least maybe help explain what not of to know..least for me sometimes..

And don't capitalize when I should...might help break some thoughts of sentences apart..

Edit: Editted that post Mad`Mozart.

Statistics: Posted by =M.V.K.= — 01 Jul 2015, 08:48

2015-07-01T07:36:30+02:00 2015-07-01T07:36:30+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10109&p=102665#p102665 <![CDATA[Re: SACUs (rambo mostly)]]>
=M.V.K.= wrote:
Well, unless someone doesn't change what to find for said what to say really of rather beforehand or not is to just say as rather for left for still said to do unless still say otherwise..
anyways, is just anyways to me...last said can be worth no change if I'm not mistaken a place of anyway(s).. as to change for anyways, well not say a way of as in just doing rather than just being i guess..
regards, "also in regards...", just like that phrase, just has that word in it that I use without phrase of.
Some things start, others, end...what begins?? I don't know...(most the times anyways)..

But, I will try to further reduce the means of interest in place of what holds...(Rather for the samething still, I don't know..)

Ok, i tried my best, but this is just pure bullshit. The meaning escapes me as soon as i read 2nd or 3rd word :D This post is encrypted 10 times harder than everything before.

Statistics: Posted by Mad`Mozart — 01 Jul 2015, 07:36

2015-07-01T06:17:29+02:00 2015-07-01T06:17:29+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10109&p=102657#p102657 <![CDATA[Re: SACUs (rambo mostly)]]>
I know though otherwise, one way or another , should be able to read without a difference for one. I used to try to do that and thought, but kinda has dwindled down on initial interest in doing so then say later on..think the prior behalf helps out some: initially.

Statistics: Posted by =M.V.K.= — 01 Jul 2015, 06:17

2015-07-01T02:45:23+02:00 2015-07-01T02:45:23+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10109&p=102649#p102649 <![CDATA[Re: SACUs (rambo mostly)]]>
=M.V.K.= wrote:
But in communicating, I don't think I have really been good at unless I write it out..given talking later is usually worth the difference then say what is said..but written of course though..cause after that its just say, "Walking and Talking..." for what else to mention of to say with anyways, let alone , alone (of course, rather for question(with or without) or not)..sorry..


Do you have a microphone? It might be worth trying some sort of vocal communication:

At the very least, I want to see you read what you wrote, because I can't say it aloud no matter how hard I try.

Statistics: Posted by ZenTractor — 01 Jul 2015, 02:45

2015-06-30T23:57:41+02:00 2015-06-30T23:57:41+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10109&p=102627#p102627 <![CDATA[Re: SACUs (rambo mostly)]]>

Statistics: Posted by =M.V.K.= — 30 Jun 2015, 23:57

2015-06-30T23:52:22+02:00 2015-06-30T23:52:22+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10109&p=102626#p102626 <![CDATA[Re: SACUs (rambo mostly)]]>
And being late is yes, I can try to rewrite all but still usually leaves last post blank, but sometimes comes up to delete without needing to do that for some reason..

what is said for confusing, is basically my attempt to reguide the words, "First thing last, Last thing first..." in what to think/read of something. Which should still leave what is said between for no difference..right??


Statistics: Posted by =M.V.K.= — 30 Jun 2015, 23:52

2015-06-30T23:46:06+02:00 2015-06-30T23:46:06+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10109&p=102625#p102625 <![CDATA[Re: SACUs (rambo mostly)]]>
=M.V.K.= wrote:
Zoram wrote:
Ionic wrote:MVK, your ideas are impossible to understand fully. You need to use a different translation method or learn english.

I don't think he understands that we don't understand ...

I do, but i'll post to this post first realizing I hadn't read the other post first and in regards will say just still be last for anything said..unless I change what I post..

then, if you don't have some condition that prevents you from communicating, try to keep it short and simple.

I think what you meant just here was:

"I do, but it was too late, I had posted already. I can't fix it now without having to change my previous posts." Not sure that's what you meant though ;)

that bit "in regards will say just still be last for anything said" is confusing as hell and doesn't seem to convey actual meaning

Statistics: Posted by Zoram — 30 Jun 2015, 23:46

2015-07-01T08:50:54+02:00 2015-06-30T23:44:35+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10109&p=102624#p102624 <![CDATA[Re: SACUs (rambo mostly)]]>
Mad`Mozart wrote:
=M.V.K.= wrote:What do you think I said?

Well, if you want people to actually understand what you are saying, try working on how you build your sentence and what words you use. For starter, get rid of all these words: say, anyway, as to, in regards and a bunch of other parasite words i missed.

If you keep your sentences clean and short, it will be a lot easier to understand wtf you are talking about

Well, unless someone doesn't change what to find for said what to say really of rather beforehand or not is to just say as rather for left for still said to do unless still say otherwise..
Anyways, is just anyways to me...last said can be worth no change if I'm not mistaken a place of anyway(s).. as to change for anyways, well not say a way of as in just doing rather than just being i guess..(Anyway for say, any, of or on a way or with I guess too??)
Regards, "also in regards...", just like that phrase, just has that word in it that I use without phrase of.
Some things start, others, end...what begins?? I don't know...(most the times anyways)..

But, I will try to further reduce the means of interest in place of what holds...(Rather for the samething still, I don't know..)

Statistics: Posted by =M.V.K.= — 30 Jun 2015, 23:44

2015-06-30T23:37:06+02:00 2015-06-30T23:37:06+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10109&p=102621#p102621 <![CDATA[Re: SACUs (rambo mostly)]]>
Zoram wrote:
Ionic wrote:MVK, your ideas are impossible to understand fully. You need to use a different translation method or learn english.

I don't think he understands that we don't understand ...

I do, but i'll post to this post first realizing I hadn't read the other post first and in regards will say just still be last for anything said..unless I change what I post..

Statistics: Posted by =M.V.K.= — 30 Jun 2015, 23:37

2015-06-30T23:31:02+02:00 2015-06-30T23:31:02+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10109&p=102619#p102619 <![CDATA[Re: SACUs (rambo mostly)]]>
Ionic wrote:
MVK, your ideas are impossible to understand fully. You need to use a different translation method or learn english.

I don't think he understands that we don't understand ...

Statistics: Posted by Zoram — 30 Jun 2015, 23:31

2015-06-30T23:19:53+02:00 2015-06-30T23:19:53+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10109&p=102618#p102618 <![CDATA[Re: SACUs (rambo mostly)]]>
=M.V.K.= wrote:
What do you think I said?

Well, if you want people to actually understand what you are saying, try working on how you build your sentence and what words you use. For starter, get rid of all these words: say, anyway, as to, in regards and a bunch of other parasite words i missed.

If you keep your sentences clean and short, it will be a lot easier to understand wtf you are talking about

Statistics: Posted by Mad`Mozart — 30 Jun 2015, 23:19

2015-06-30T23:06:01+02:00 2015-06-30T23:06:01+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10109&p=102615#p102615 <![CDATA[Re: SACUs (rambo mostly)]]> But..
If there were SACUs coming out that of a worth of upgrades that aren't , then why should they still be out upgrades at a time anytime?? (Rather for question or not)
Then, rather upgraded or not, why does Rambo usages of SACUs out of the Gateway be limited to using when upgraded still?
And Also, why does multi-Gateways say using of rambo SACUs upgraded or not for just use as isn't easier to do??

Is confusing..sorry..but think i cleared some things up anyways..


Statistics: Posted by =M.V.K.= — 30 Jun 2015, 23:06

2015-06-30T22:07:08+02:00 2015-06-30T22:07:08+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10109&p=102605#p102605 <![CDATA[Re: SACUs (rambo mostly)]]> Statistics: Posted by Ionic — 30 Jun 2015, 22:07

2015-06-30T21:59:56+02:00 2015-06-30T21:59:56+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10109&p=102604#p102604 <![CDATA[Re: SACUs (rambo mostly)]]> In Reply to : aeroAPM

..I don't know...

Statistics: Posted by =M.V.K.= — 30 Jun 2015, 21:59

2015-06-30T21:50:40+02:00 2015-06-30T21:50:40+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=10109&p=102602#p102602 <![CDATA[Re: SACUs (rambo mostly)]]> Statistics: Posted by zeroAPM — 30 Jun 2015, 21:50
