Kalvirox wrote:Kickstarter tournaments or similar have already been thought of before.
The issue is that people will not want to donate money to a tournament that they do not have a good chance of winning. It will also make people very bitter once they have lost. So we decided this was a bad idea.
What I have said before is that we get more money than we need from donations than we use to run the FAF servers ect. This is money that AFAIK is just sitting there. Maybe some of it gets spent elsewhere but since FAF got transferred to the communities control this money would be better used to finance tournament prizes. Specifically those where the most people can apply. Not only would this encourage more donations (slightly) but it would also make the game more fun and encourage the standard of play to increase.
Or used for community promotion, or something.
We have tried to reach out to proper youtubers before such as TotalBiscuit but have had no results. (Interesting that he made Axiom members play other RTS games on occasion and made vids of them playing it instead of starcraft but didn't make them play supcom