Statistics: Posted by AwarE — 28 Jan 2012, 02:44
Statistics: Posted by FunkOff — 28 Jan 2012, 01:28
Statistics: Posted by AwarE — 28 Jan 2012, 01:18
Statistics: Posted by pip — 27 Jan 2012, 22:45
Statistics: Posted by FunkOff — 27 Jan 2012, 01:45
Statistics: Posted by Antoninus — 26 Jan 2012, 21:08
Statistics: Posted by noobymcnoobcake — 26 Jan 2012, 19:16
Megaliths are AWESOME in naval maps. They have such powerful torp defenses that swarms of T2/T3 subs can't even dent them. If they had more naval firepower I think they'd be way too strong.
This is the BEST air experimental by a huge margin. It's fast enough to ignore flak and has enough AA to kill small groups of ASF on its own. Unless you have dozens and dozens of SAMs or total air superiority, it will level bases in just a few passes. Not to mention the insane veterancy it gets when it kills 200 t1 engies with one bomb!
Statistics: Posted by Pavese — 26 Jan 2012, 18:08
Pavese wrote:
Atlantis: needs more anti-sub and needs more anti-air to make it a worthwhile support for navy fleeets. Buff it and make it more expensive, bring it in line with the rest of the navy exp.( atm cheap ass exp that is not realy usefull.)
Pavese wrote:
Mega: could be more naval focused and trade some of that landbased firepower for more naval based firepower. (giving him both would just make him stupid yet i think it would be cool to make Mega more versatil. Cybran fanboys gonna hate me for this.)
Pavese wrote:
CZAR: the "flying fortress" should be made into one. Reduce its death crash damage so its not just a stupid suicide unit. Whats wrong with a slow moving, high HP saucer with good AA capabilites giving the Aeon an edge in ASF fights when engaging correctly.
Pavese wrote:
Soulripper: have not seen him in ages. Not sure how to fix him.
Pavese wrote:
Ahwassa: the seraphim trade mark aka pay 48k Mass to get an "maybe" 11k damage dealing giant "KILL ME" Dot on the map aka why seraphim is broken in general. (Pay 10 k Mass to get 5x 3k damage dealing bombers that are much more reliable when it comes to dropping the bomb and can be used to much greater effectivness)
Pavese wrote:
Fatboy: just give him more shield HP so he has a bit more survivability. He dies way to easy to everything. Other then that, hes fine.
Statistics: Posted by uberge3k — 26 Jan 2012, 17:48
Statistics: Posted by Pavese — 26 Jan 2012, 17:28