Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2011-12-31T09:31:18+02:00 /feed.php?f=11&t=379 2011-12-31T09:31:18+02:00 2011-12-31T09:31:18+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=379&p=4542#p4542 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Balance Patch Test Mod v2 (now with gunship nerf!)]]>
If I'm wrong about it affecting mobile Bubbles, just ignore this post :)

Statistics: Posted by IceDreamer — 31 Dec 2011, 09:31

2011-12-10T19:29:29+02:00 2011-12-10T19:29:29+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=379&p=3987#p3987 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Balance Patch Test Mod v2 (now with gunship nerf!)]]> Statistics: Posted by noobymcnoobcake — 10 Dec 2011, 19:29

2011-12-10T17:58:05+02:00 2011-12-10T17:58:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=379&p=3980#p3980 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Balance Patch Test Mod v2 (now with gunship nerf!)]]>
noobymcnoobcake wrote:
Another thing is could you increase the medusa projectile speed? ITs already by far the worst T1 arty in all situations so prehaps make it slightly more usefull by making it harder to dodge and better vs tanks.

The medusa uses a high-arch trajectory, so you'd probably prefer that the projectile speed be decreased, rather than increased. A higher projectile speed would mean that it takes even longer after firing for the projectile to hit the target than it does now.

Statistics: Posted by FunkOff — 10 Dec 2011, 17:58

2011-12-10T13:44:10+02:00 2011-12-10T13:44:10+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=379&p=3960#p3960 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Balance Patch Test Mod v2 (now with gunship nerf!)]]>
Another thing is could you increase the medusa projectile speed? ITs already by far the worst T1 arty in all situations so prehaps make it slightly more usefull by making it harder to dodge and better vs tanks.

Statistics: Posted by noobymcnoobcake — 10 Dec 2011, 13:44

2011-11-22T11:09:05+02:00 2011-11-22T11:09:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=379&p=3727#p3727 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Balance Patch Test Mod v2 (now with gunship nerf!)]]> ) if the side player spams t1 fighters, frigates and destroyers - lets say he is cybran. what can the sera play do vs it?
sera destroyer loses vs cybran submerged - surfaced it loses vs cybran because of range disadvantage and because every 7th shoot of sera destroyer is a waste of time and dmg coz it doenst hit.
try droping t1 arty? get pwned by frigates and t1 fighters.

on small maps like eots, paradise, high noon u may be right (because there are maybe just 2-3 destroyers out) - but on maps where massive navy fights are normal, sera has a hard time to survive.

Statistics: Posted by Batmansrueckkehr — 22 Nov 2011, 11:09

2011-11-21T22:18:05+02:00 2011-11-21T22:18:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=379&p=3721#p3721 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Balance Patch Test Mod v2 (now with gunship nerf!)]]> Statistics: Posted by Armmagedon — 21 Nov 2011, 22:18

2011-11-21T19:51:00+02:00 2011-11-21T19:51:00+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=379&p=3720#p3720 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Balance Patch Test Mod v2 (now with gunship nerf!)]]>
Armmagedon wrote:
noobymcnoobcake wrote:
Armmagedon wrote:guys sera destroyer pwn, i dont know why you all want buff him , the only thing that need is micro, its like cyb land, you dont have shield on cyb and you dont have support on sera sea but you can use them like the best t2 submarines on the game

so sera need micro to keep in line with the other destoyers? Thats definition of underpowered.

titans sucks, cyb dont have shields, and aeon mmm... nothing to say about aeon lol
but sera pwn in all sea maps, t1 artys more amphibious flaks more some ships and air spam, pwn all

Friates with basic micro own arty. Exodus class destoyer wins vs sera suberged or not. Aeon got hover flack as well + hover sheilds at T2 and also the best torpedo bommber and Sera one sucks hard in comparison. Aeon also got swift wind and that kills ints quite effectivley. The aeon cruiser can actualy hit T3 air with all its 800 dps unlike sera that only does around 300 dps against T3 air.

Sera T3 subs are good but are killeD cost effectivley by T2 ones and UEF torpedo boat.

Statistics: Posted by noobymcnoobcake — 21 Nov 2011, 19:51

2011-11-21T19:15:56+02:00 2011-11-21T19:15:56+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=379&p=3718#p3718 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Balance Patch Test Mod v2 (now with gunship nerf!)]]>
noobymcnoobcake wrote:
Armmagedon wrote:guys sera destroyer pwn, i dont know why you all want buff him , the only thing that need is micro, its like cyb land, you dont have shield on cyb and you dont have support on sera sea but you can use them like the best t2 submarines on the game

so sera need micro to keep in line with the other destoyers? Thats definition of underpowered.

titans sucks, cyb dont have shields, and aeon mmm... nothing to say about aeon lol
but sera pwn in all sea maps, t1 artys more amphibious flaks more some ships and air spam, pwn all

Statistics: Posted by Armmagedon — 21 Nov 2011, 19:15

2011-11-21T19:09:27+02:00 2011-11-21T19:09:27+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=379&p=3717#p3717 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Balance Patch Test Mod v2 (now with gunship nerf!)]]>
Armmagedon wrote:
guys sera destroyer pwn, i dont know why you all want buff him , the only thing that need is micro, its like cyb land, you dont have shield on cyb and you dont have support on sera sea but you can use them like the best t2 submarines on the game

so sera need micro to keep in line with the other destoyers? Thats definition of underpowered.

Statistics: Posted by noobymcnoobcake — 21 Nov 2011, 19:09

2011-11-21T18:41:49+02:00 2011-11-21T18:41:49+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=379&p=3715#p3715 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Balance Patch Test Mod v2 (now with gunship nerf!)]]> Statistics: Posted by Armmagedon — 21 Nov 2011, 18:41

2011-11-21T13:31:52+02:00 2011-11-21T13:31:52+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=379&p=3704#p3704 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Balance Patch Test Mod v2 (now with gunship nerf!)]]> Statistics: Posted by Plasma_Wolf — 21 Nov 2011, 13:31

2011-11-21T13:15:45+02:00 2011-11-21T13:15:45+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=379&p=3703#p3703 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Balance Patch Test Mod v2 (now with gunship nerf!)]]> Statistics: Posted by Batmansrueckkehr — 21 Nov 2011, 13:15

2011-11-21T12:49:12+02:00 2011-11-21T12:49:12+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=379&p=3702#p3702 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Balance Patch Test Mod v2 (now with gunship nerf!)]]>
Against a full hover army I would prefer the sera destroyer above all else.

Statistics: Posted by Karottenrambo — 21 Nov 2011, 12:49

2011-11-21T11:27:05+02:00 2011-11-21T11:27:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=379&p=3701#p3701 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Balance Patch Test Mod v2 (now with gunship nerf!)]]> Statistics: Posted by Batmansrueckkehr — 21 Nov 2011, 11:27

2011-11-19T05:05:41+02:00 2011-11-19T05:05:41+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=379&p=3646#p3646 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Balance Patch Test Mod v2 (now with gunship nerf!)]]>
I definitely agree that the Ushavoh has been underpowered in 3599, but even then it could stand up fairly well to the other Destros with the right micro, so I think it makes some sense to focus on buffing/fixing other parts of the Seraphim arsenal first. (It does need to be able to T1 subs for cost though..)

I've also experimented with giving the Ushavoh one close-in beam that paired higher DPS with shorter range (45-50). The idea was to emphasize the Ushavoh's submersible advantage and turn it into more of an 'ambush' predator that has to approach other ships submerged, then surface in close range to unleash its superior DPS.

This was tricky to balance though. I didn't want to give it too much of a DPS buff at range 60 because I was worried about making it OP'd, but my idea to give it the close-in advantage was tough too because the Exodus and Salem have such a big advantage in torpedo DPS and torp defense (respectively).

Statistics: Posted by Mr Pinguin — 19 Nov 2011, 05:05
