Slow simspeed auto-kick

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Slow simspeed auto-kick

Postby E8400-CV » 09 Apr 2015, 08:23

I'd like an option for the host to specify a condition for auto-kicking laggers ingame. Like I said in my other topic; I've found that 99% of those claiming "cpu bench is bugged for me" just lie. Usually they also lie about leaving when they do lag.

And that's where this option comes in. For example; You set that if someone goes to -2 before the 20 minute mark and persists for 1 IRL minute an eject screen will appear. Only unanimous (or other amount to be set by host) vote to not eject will keep the lagger in.

Or; if someone is below 0 and constantly 2 simspeed units below the next slowest guy.
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Re: Slow simspeed auto-kick

Postby da_monstr » 09 Apr 2015, 12:12

Such a "feature" can only end in bitter rage wars. I fail to see how this is a good idea in any way.
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Re: Slow simspeed auto-kick

Postby E8400-CV » 09 Apr 2015, 12:47

Not really. It only prevents "win by lag quits"

Right now it's usually other players than the lagger that leave, throwing the game. I've even seen teammates of the lagger leave. Or arrangements being made about air players removing air cover so some lagger could be strat bombed.
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Re: Slow simspeed auto-kick

Postby Ceneraii » 09 Apr 2015, 13:00

Just kill the person with bad cpu quickly? ;p
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Re: Slow simspeed auto-kick

Postby Vee » 09 Apr 2015, 15:31

What kind of games are you playing that lag so much? I rarely have problems with lag due to bad CPUs (laggy connections is another matter), except on setons and phantom. Maybe play more 1v1 ;-) Not everyone has money to buy a good computer. If you don't want them in your games then put a rule CPU rating < X in the title and kick everyone who does not conform to that. Kicking them from an already started game is ridiculous.
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Re: Slow simspeed auto-kick

Postby keyser » 09 Apr 2015, 18:01

Yes you can already select the players you want in the game.
I don't see why we should put kick them from game automatically...
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Re: Slow simspeed auto-kick

Postby codepants » 09 Apr 2015, 18:27

So what you said is, "I see that people are going to lag and I know they are lying when they say they'll leave if the lag, but I let them play anyways, and then I expect somebody else to fix my problem when they lag and don't leave."

Seems like there's a much easier solution... just don't play with them.
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Re: Slow simspeed auto-kick

Postby E8400-CV » 10 Apr 2015, 00:17

Ceneraii wrote:Just kill the person with bad cpu quickly? ;p

After they are dead, they can just stay "to observe and advise team". And there's not always an admin around to deliver instant justice (kick out of FAF).

Vee wrote:What kind of games are you playing that lag so much? I rarely have problems with lag due to bad CPUs (laggy connections is another matter), except on setons and phantom. Maybe play more 1v1 ;-) Not everyone has money to buy a good computer. If you don't want them in your games then put a rule CPU rating < X in the title and kick everyone who does not conform to that. Kicking them from an already started game is ridiculous.

Setons, Ozone, Phantom, Rohan

Not everyone has money to buy a Bentley, yet that doesn't give the ones who don't the right to take it from those who have it.

Kicking when game is already started makes perfect sense. And some assholes just do it on purpose, like playing FHD Youtube in the background and putting computers in power save. They don't deserve a kick, but a ban.

keyser wrote:Yes you can already select the players you want in the game.
I don't see why we should put kick them from game automatically...

Like I said; an option to kick [..]. I'm not someone who stacks every game with players I know.

codepants wrote:So what you said is, "I see that people are going to lag and I know they are lying when they say they'll leave if the lag, but I let them play anyways, and then I expect somebody else to fix my problem when they lag and don't leave."

Seems like there's a much easier solution... just don't play with them.

No, often you can't see they are going to lag. Like yesterday with "DatLag1567" The first 10 minutes of Rohan went fine and we spend the remaining 35 minutes of the game with half the game minutes at -3 /-4 and half at 0. That's either thermal throttle or lag on purpose.

Actually, it is an option that is hugely in favor for those with bad cpu scores. Now they can be let in with a way to get ridd of them if they go laggy without having to trust their up-front promise to leave if lag.
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Re: Slow simspeed auto-kick

Postby Vee » 10 Apr 2015, 00:48

Not everyone has money to buy a Bentley, yet that doesn't give the ones who don't the right to take it from those who have it.

Actually a better analogy would be this: people who have a ferrari don't have the right to kick people who have a toyota off the road.
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Re: Slow simspeed auto-kick

Postby speed2 » 10 Apr 2015, 01:06

Vee wrote:
Not everyone has money to buy a Bentley, yet that doesn't give the ones who don't the right to take it from those who have it.

Actually a better analogy would be this: people who have a ferrari don't have the right to kick people who have a toyota off the road.

And since speed limit is set by host BEFORE game starts, there is nothing to discuss right? Right??
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