Shift G Attack move crashing the game

Moderator: keyser

Shift G Attack move crashing the game

Postby Freedomfighter » 11 Sep 2019, 22:04

So I always use Shift G on T3 gunships when attacking them with ASF, and it just so happens that doing it with 167 ASF just now completely crashed my game.
Can I ask for a limit to be put on the number of units that you can use it with to stop this happening in the future. Clearly 167 is too many but I would think that 30 is an ok number. Thoughts?
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Re: Shift G Attack move crashing the game

Postby Dro » 12 Sep 2019, 22:35

I do it all the time with shit loads of asf and iIve never crashed i get some momentary lag from time to time but no crashed as of yet.
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Re: Shift G Attack move crashing the game

Postby Freedomfighter » 15 Sep 2019, 13:03

Maybe someone else potato couldn't handle it, I don't know how it works so I'm just guessing, basically everything froze for like 4 minutes before I just quit.
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