make nuke interception with air an offense?

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make nuke interception with air an offense?

Postby Masyaka » 14 Nov 2017, 17:56

Nukes can be intercepted by planes. Just by colliding with it (can be ASF/T2 fighters)
Most problems show up when the scenario of not allowing the enemy to scout the nuke launcher for ~2 minutes (BuildingTMD now won't save him), but then the enemy sacrifices some of his air to save anybody's base from the annihilation and destroy enemy base (~25 ASF lost is no equal to saving your own base and nuking the enemy base)

i bet you all gonna say you should build more AA, but its not intended to intercept nukes with air forces?

Maybe keep this feature only for the saucer?
Last edited by Masyaka on 17 Nov 2017, 13:41, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?

Postby TheKoopa » 14 Nov 2017, 18:04

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Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?

Postby biass » 14 Nov 2017, 18:07


Attain a replay of a game you played within the next week of any player from your game managing to intentionally block a nuke with a plane.
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Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?

Postby Viba » 14 Nov 2017, 21:11

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Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?

Postby IceDreamer » 14 Nov 2017, 21:48

This game was built around having a simulated projectile engine. That was the thing that makes it different to other RTS games. Yes, it has odd results sometimes, but the more get removed, the less this is SupCom.

I think, sometimes, one must simply laugh at the insanity of a situation in this game :)
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Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?

Postby ThomasHiatt » 14 Nov 2017, 22:21

I think nukes hitting planes and other projectiles hitting things they obviously aren't intended to is a pretty big problem with the game. It is a completely random thing that can end up deciding the match. The game was not built around having RNG decide the outcome, one of the big appeals of strategy games is that the outcome isn't random and skill is important. It would be like playing an FPS game and having your character randomly trip on a rock or slip in the mud and you die and lose the game, you think people would still be playing counter-strike competitively if that was the case? It is true that the game was designed to be about big armies and cool looking robots fighting each other and other retarded shit happening, but it has more potential than that, maybe if it was designed to be more competitive from the beginning it would have been more successful and GPG wouldn't be dead. If I wanted to see retarded shit and big robots I could be playing supcom2, it has much more of that kind of stuff and looks better too, but there is a reason we play this instead.

Obviously it shouldn't be a bannable offense since it usually happens on accident, but I 100% think it should be removed from the game.
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Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?

Postby FtXCommando » 14 Nov 2017, 22:44

What is the border between luck and skill?
Is blocking a nuke with a spy plane luck?
Is blocking a nuke with 500 asf luck?
Is killing a nuke with the GC beam luck?
Is killing a nuke with a phim t2 pd luck?

This shit happens once every 500 games. Not a big deal and I think it makes matches more memorable. When FAF has 10,000 ladder matches a day we can start comparing it to CS:GO for competitive balance.
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Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?

Postby ThomasHiatt » 14 Nov 2017, 23:16

I'm well aware that it is 10 years too late to solve this problem, and that faf has much more pressing issues to deal with. But since everyone is off arguing about competitive play and patches and CS:GO in other threads it is absurd that they then turn around and say nukes hitting planes is good game design and removing it would ruin the game. I remember the CoC match where 2 nukes were intercepted by planes, so yes it does make it more memorable which can be a good thing, but if you are trying to take the game in a more competitive and skillful direction (which is often what IceDreamer argues for) then I think it is clearly a bad mechanic.
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Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?

Postby IceDreamer » 14 Nov 2017, 23:35

Nobody's saying it will ruin the game.

I said it will be less SupCom.

Yes... Part of that means that some things are just... luck. Coincidences of stuff flying around in real space. I don't know where the line is between making the game better by removing chance elements, and it no longer being SupCom, but I do feel that this one is rare enough, spectacular enough, and... special enough that it should stay.
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Re: make nuke interception with air an offense?

Postby Ithilis_Quo » 14 Nov 2017, 23:54

yeah definitly not ruin a game... jast some player acu only :D

I know at least 2 players who can with +- 50% succed rate do this as intended aniti nuke defence.
And insted of building tmd build experimental t1 anti nuke plane defence.

it is problem, and it should be solved, similar as novax who was used as anti nuke... its same principle
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