Ecomod Idea. Tweak massfabs.

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Ecomod Idea. Tweak massfabs.

Postby Umenyalapkee » 23 Jul 2019, 10:47

In FAF i seen a lot of mods that made eco easy, reclaime drones, experemental mexes, x2/x4/x10 storage rush and more. But there no mod that tweaks mass fabricators. Like returning mass fab balnce that was in vanila game before FA, and add one more level of massfabs. So it will be t1, t2 and t3.
Lets say for example that t1 will be like vanila t1 - 1 mass for 40 power, and that will be to efficient, but still usefull for same purpose that exmex mods :D
If t1 will be like now is t2 - 1 mass for 150 that prevent from mass it in t1 stage. T1 and mass fabs can be somethig between FA and vanila 12 mass for 1500 power and 24 mass for 3500 power. That more power efficient, but can be balanset by cost a time to return that cost and bring a profit.
Even with that it too good for turtle play, but can be usefull for some maps like Flats for example. Another tech level of fabs request model for it, but, for that can be uset models of some civian buildings, i think.
That will not be integrated mod for sure, :lol: but there is exmexes and ninja drones, so, why not?
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Re: Ecomod Idea. Tweak massfabs.

Postby Franck83 » 23 Jul 2019, 11:33

Alliance of Heroes have some features that impact mass fabricator efficiency.

For example the bard has a 'Mass Maximizer' chant that boost all mass fabricators around.


The chant efficiency depends on class, unit and level of intelligence of the hero.

The Research Center gives some tech about ACU mass production efficiency boost too, pgen energy production.

The Support Guardian class got a dynamic Energy to Mass converter power. Efficiency varies depending of the hero intelligence too.
Alliance of Heroes Mod is out ! Try it ! It's in the Mod Vault !
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Re: Ecomod Idea. Tweak massfabs.

Postby Uveso » 23 Jul 2019, 18:32

Hello Umenyalapkee,

creating a mod that is modifying some stats from masfab units is not so hard.
Also for the missing tech level; you can use the tech2 buildings, shrink them a bit and declare them as tech1 building.
Like a small brother of tech2.

Maybe a good project to start as newbie modder ;)
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Re: Ecomod Idea. Tweak massfabs.

Postby Umenyalapkee » 23 Jul 2019, 22:02

Thanks. But mehanics in that mod... May be just to complicated to me.
Yes, that was my thought. Maybe I do it, but maybe not... So I post it here, in case that someone like the idea and use it, maybe. Also, like I say, it's little strange to me, that there lots of ecomod's and no mod for fab's. Well. exept Alliance of Heroes, didn't know that :D
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