templates lost

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templates lost

Postby GamerDreams2019ns » 23 May 2020, 05:26


I played SCFA for many months and built quite a bit of templates overtime. Suddenly the game reset itself today and I don't know what caused it to reset.

I have to recreate game profile again to start the game, re-select the mods, reset the game setting (video, sound and gameplay etc). But I lost all the templates I have created.

Anyway I could get back my templates ?

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Re: templates lost

Postby R_Charger » 23 May 2020, 11:28

This usually only happens if you edit your preferences file manually and make a syntax error. I thought it saved it as prefs.bad in this case but could be wrong. If that's the case you could try and find the error and correct it (usually an errant semi-colon or some such) or copy your templates section from the old (bad) file to the new one. You should always create a back up of your good prefs file anyway unless you enjoy having to redefine all your keys and create new templates...
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Re: templates lost

Postby GamerDreams2019ns » 23 May 2020, 17:30

I can't find the pref file. I read somewhere that pref file only exist if I played online. Now I am only playing offline.

My question are ...

(1) which folder do the template files saved in ?

(2) Why some template icons only shown in yellow boxes (as shown in the image) ?
This "Tech 3 Super Heavy Point Defense" is from TotalMayhem mod.

Thanks in advance.
Template icon.png
Template icon.png (182.77 KiB) Viewed 407 times
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