Call for a web based platform

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Re: Call for a web based lobby

Postby dstojkov » 27 Jul 2013, 14:18

No offense dude but open this is not the case I can't find nowhere the source code of the lobby and some features are still missing even if the mod vault is already done I don't know when this will be out and the more important if you want to have it out ..

I will put all my effort to bring the people back by simply opening the platform where we can play a true vanilla a true 3599 the last of the faf mod my FA_UNLEASHED and thousand of mod if I want to and the more the people the better !

P.S: You can also make your owns mod in faf but to become a featured one is almost impossible.
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Re: Call for a web based lobby

Postby Ze_PilOt » 27 Jul 2013, 14:37

dstojkov wrote:No offense dude but open this is not the case I can't find nowhere the source code of the lobby

Really ?
Not really hard to find.

dstojkov wrote:and some features are still missing even if the mod vault is already done I don't know when this will be out and the more important if you want to have it out ..

So starting another project from scratch will make it happens quicker, seems legit.

dstojkov wrote:I will put all my effort to bring the people back by simply opening the platform where we can play a true vanilla a true 3599 the last of the faf mod my FA_UNLEASHED and thousand of mod if I want to and the more the people the better !
P.S: You can also make your owns mod in faf but to become a featured one is almost impossible.

That's cute.
Bring people back from where exactly ?
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Re: Call for a web based lobby

Postby ColonelSheppard » 27 Jul 2013, 14:38

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Re: Call for a web based lobby

Postby dstojkov » 27 Jul 2013, 15:19

Thx for the info I asked them long time ago and no one was able to give me so much infos.

Don't get me wrong Zep you will will be the first happy to have a web based lobby.

It is after all a project for the community and yes It has to be done from scratch ... Actually I can be funny to make it :-)
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Re: Call for a web based lobby

Postby Ze_PilOt » 27 Jul 2013, 15:25

I don't think you realize the amount of work needed.

If you are already asking for help for the simpler stuff, I don't believe you will go much further.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Call for a web based lobby

Postby Raging_Squirrel » 27 Jul 2013, 19:12

no really, why should it be *WEB* based? do you have any solid argument about it?
Never argue with an idiot. He will bring you down to his level and beat with experience.
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Re: Call for a web based lobby

Postby Ze_PilOt » 27 Jul 2013, 19:13

I hope there will be a companion app.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Call for a web based lobby

Postby RoundTabler » 27 Jul 2013, 22:19

Ze_PilOt wrote:I hope there will be a companion app.

This. :P

Seriously though, wouldn't it be better to make one for FAF first though? ;)

Why not focus on helping FAF, rather than starting an entirely new project, that, frankly, will only fragment the community/create hard feelings?
Avantgarde: bug reports go to you [zep] via PM?
Ze_PilOt_: no
Ze_PilOt_: never.

Ze_PilOt: FA is not about being in a comfort zone all the time.
I think the game you want to play is Starcraft 2.
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Postby Ze_PilOt » 27 Jul 2013, 23:59

It's not like there is something running.

When I've started FAF, some people told me if was too much work.

I've spend every minute of free time I had for nearly 2 years on it, and I'm still not done. Still, I know it's possible to do with a small, motivated team.

I also know exactly what competences are needed to achieve it, as I went through that path already.

I will say that he has 0 chance to have something running at any point in time. The kind of question he asked prove it to me.
A big amount of my time spent on FAF was about testing & seeing how things are working. He doesn't have that curiosity, and without being rude, I don't think he has the competence to acquire it.

Till then ... I will be happy if someone could provide me some material the like a hello world stuff to begin with lobby mechanics ...

In the beginning, I've spend nearly a week to do some reverse engineering on the network protocol. And that was an easy step.

So yes, I will say him, the same thing others told me : You won't achieve anything. But unlike these people, I know why.

Also, his reasons are so bad that it will be discouraged way before another person connect to his "web-based lobby".

rather than starting an entirely new project, that, frankly, will only fragment the community/create hard feelings?

I've started splitting the community myself after 2 months of work, we will see where he is in october :)

To be honest, I would be quite happy that another, better lobby exists, it would free me. The splitting community argument is stupid, and people used that against me at some point. People are using what is best, and it's always good to have a choice.
Also, competition is always good to improve ourselves.

dstojkov, if you have too much spare time on your hand, you could finalize the clan site, it's web based and most of the work is done already. At least you will be useful at something.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Call for a web based lobby

Postby dstojkov » 29 Jul 2013, 11:52

Hi dudes,

Some point has to be clarified I never said it will be easy and that this will be an instant implemented lobby the like aeon eng sacrifice.

The interface between the lobby and fa is for me new that is true that's why I call for help otherwise I will have do all myself !!!

I find this game a niche for new knowledge and new challenge ... who know how far this can bring us !

The fact that there is no time pressure for achieving it is a great advantage. For the people who want to join this is also a learn process to make from a lambda player a game developer !!


Ze_PilOt wrote: if you have too much spare time on your hand

Well ... kind of .. I broke up with one girl friend this week but no worries still have two left ...

My graphics card also gives up this week ... Now have to use my gaming laptop instead ...
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