FAF Client FPS Update rate too low?

This is for troubleshooting of problems with the FAF client and Forged Alliance game.

Moderator: PhilipJFry

FAF Client FPS Update rate too low?

Postby stormsh » 26 Apr 2020, 14:10

Hello there, I really like the FAF Client. Thank you so much for all the effort you put into it. Because my problem is more a cosmetic thing really, I would put it on a 3 or 4 of a 1 to 10 scale of problems.

When I start the FAF Client, the mouse coursor starts lagging. My Screen refreshrate in Win10 is set to 144fps so I recognize this right away. This only happens when the FAF Client is in front and on top of other windows.
I installed Fraps which shows only 1 to 20 FPS in the FAF Client screen. I don't know if this should be like this or if there is a way I can change the FPS of the FAF Client. There is no rise in CPU or GPU activity (all normally low). The FAF Client consumes somewhat between 800mb and 1gb of Ram (which seems normal).
Are there or can I create logfiles to narrow the problem?

FAF Client is 1.1.6
Win 10 64 bit up to date
Intel 9700K
RTX 2060 super
32gb Ram
G-Sync Monitor over DP

Thx 4 F1.

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