Why do I need faf-uid if I am linked to Steam?

This is for troubleshooting of problems with the FAF client and Forged Alliance game.

Moderator: PhilipJFry

Why do I need faf-uid if I am linked to Steam?

Postby nrook » 23 Nov 2018, 04:28

I am trying to get FAF working on a Mac* and was running the regular Python client. I was surprised to see I needed to run faf-uid. From what I understand faf-uid tries to get a unique ID of your computer so multiple accounts can't run from the same machine, as an anti-smurf tool. But my FAF account is linked to my Steam ID, so that already prevents me from smurfing.

Is there some reason it is still required?

* I am not asking for help on this, I know it isn't supported :)
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