Date: 10/06/2018
TD: Tokyto_
Prizes: TBD
The intention is to run an AI tourney every 1 or 2 months depending on interest, with different maps / gametypes on rotation.
A complete (but work in progress) list of categories with their maps can be found here: ... sp=sharing
There will be 3 categories up for grabs in this first iteration:
- 1) 5x5 Land 1v1 - C:0.1
2) 10x10 Land 1v1 - C:0.2a
3) 10x10 Navy 1v1 - C:0.2b
Anyone who wants to write an AI can follow the guide on the wiki here:
This guide will be updated as time goes on.
C:0.1 Entrants:
- 1. Sorian AI
2. Sorian AI Rush
3. Dilli AI
4. AI Uveso Adaptive
- 1. Sorian AI
2. Sorian AI Rush
3. Dilli AI
4. AI Uveso Adaptive
- 1. Sorian AI
2. Sorian AI Water
3. Dilli AI
4. AI Uveso Adaptive
- Three categories will be available for entry, as specified above.
- The tournament format will be a randomly seeded double elimination.
- Maps for each round will be chosen randomly by the TD after submissions are closed.
- Other lobby specifications: Enemy Civilians, Fog of War Explored, No Cheating AIs, No other non-AI mods, Random Spawns, Random Factions.
- AIs shall be submitted as a FAF compatible mod to the TD before 00:00 UTC on the day of the competition (or whenever they go offline the day before).
- Each submission should specify the category/ies that the AI is being entered for.
- 1 AI per modder per category.
- By submitting an AI you consent to it being made available for FAF users to play after the tourney is finished.
- Platoon behaviours, unit behaviours, and platoon templates from the standard or sorian AIs may be used.
- You may also use stuff written by other people when it is explicitly made available for use by other AI modders.
- All AI Builder Groups used must be written by you - you may not use base game / sorian builder groups.
- Your AI must not interfere with other people's AI code (e.g. don't try to cheat by breaking other people's AI) - this can include causing the game to run excessively slowly.
- All above rules shall be implemented according to the TD's discretion.
Details are subject to change as we get closer to the competition date.